Hi guys wondering if any fellow SC-607B players in this forum could give me some advice on dialing a decent tone for it with Pod Farm or the POD HD?
Everything I end up with sounds too bright and thin...Oh yeah, I am using the stock EMG 81-7 pick ups. Do not have the cash at the moment for any upgrades, so please no "Get some Blackouts/Bareknucles/707's problem solved etc..."
Been bashing my head against walls as I have a whole lot of song ideas but until I find a tone to settle on I cant do anything!
Everything I end up with sounds too bright and thin...Oh yeah, I am using the stock EMG 81-7 pick ups. Do not have the cash at the moment for any upgrades, so please no "Get some Blackouts/Bareknucles/707's problem solved etc..."

Been bashing my head against walls as I have a whole lot of song ideas but until I find a tone to settle on I cant do anything!