Fixation On The Darkness Cover?


Feb 16, 2010
Bronx, NY
Hey guys, new member here. I made this cover a while ago, and wanted to know what you guys think of my mix and maybe get some tips to make is sound better? I used a podxt with the metal shop add-on for the guitars, and the bass. I also used Addictive Drums for the drums with some Andy Sneap samples for the kick, snare, and toms that I found here in the Drum Sample thread. I used this all in Reaper. Anyway, tell me what you think! Thanks! on the Darkness 2-16.mp3
It sounds really good except for the cymbals seem to sound a little awkward in the beginning. Overall the cover it awesome. Its good to see someone still appreciates the "real" killswitch engage before they changed vocalists and began to suck royally. lol.
Thanks for the replies guys! Well I tried lowering the cleans a bit, but I don't know how to change the "awkward" sound of the cymbals in the beginning. But yeah I love Killswitch haha. I'm actaully seeing them next month here in NYC and since Howard had to drop out of the tour, Jesse is filling in for them! So I'm pretty excited for that.

Here is the revised version, thanks again guys! on the Darkness 2-162.mp3