flanger | and more


New Metal Member
Mar 9, 2003
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Hey Andy ,
Great fan of your work to me you're just getting better and better I mean your sound's just getting fatter.
I can't wait to hear the new Arch Enemy and your recent work well it's superb.
Now I am just wondering do you use the flanger(effect) as a trademark they're like most of the time present usually on the snares but sometimes the guitars or master.
Also about Rich Ward's Sick speed (amazing music) will there ever be a "full" album out and are you gonna produce it? I hope so...
I also read some interview of Jeff Waters that he likes to work with you some time are you interested in that?
And how do you feel about it Nordstrom you and him are my favorite producers.

Hope to get replies on...well some of the questions
Thanks and keep up the amazing work