Flash Forward


Old as Yoda
Jan 11, 2005
Anyone watching this piece of crap TV series?:puke::puke: If you have read the book then you will be totally disappointed, it is nothing like the book. In fact the TV series takes place in LA, not Switerlan/France, they are FBI agents, not scientists. This is the worse adaption of a novel I have ever seen.

Oh well at least Survivor - Soma is on at the same time
Anyone watching this piece of crap TV series?:puke::puke: If you have read the book then you will be totally disappointed, it is nothing like the book. In fact the TV series takes place in LA, not Switerlan/France, they are FBI agents, not scientists. This is the worse adaption of a novel I have ever seen.

Oh well at least Survivor - Soma is on at the same time

Thanks for posting... I was actually just about to go see if I could check this out (missed the premiere). Now I think I will continue with the Tudors instead, see if I like that. :)

We watched the first half of it during our lunch break at work. I don't think any of us have ever read the book, but we all liked what we saw of the show. I didn't DVR it, but I think I'm going to watch it online.
Hmmm....good to know.
I missed the premiere, but was curious to check it out.
Not like it matters anyway, HEROES is still the best TV show ever! ;)

Well, if by best you mean greatest drop in quality from a phenomenal first season then.... yeah.. it's the best.
This year's premiere was almost a return to top form.

I heard that from people at the beginning of s3 and again at the beginning of Volume 4. I did not agree with them and I can't agree with you. Brian keeps watching it so even though I've given up on the show, I've seen a lot of the episodes. The numbers for it aren't so hot either so it seems a lot of people aren't happy with the show. Loosing half a million in the second half of the premiere is not a good sign.
Watched it last night -mostly as I was waiting for the new start of Grey's Anatomy- and thought it was ok. Not over wowed, but not completely turned off. I too caught some Lost references, and it just had that feel to it. Loved the random Kangaroo! haha I too will most likely watch again and see how it goes....cause I sure need another TV to be addicted to. :lol:
I watched it, but for some reason I had a hard time staying focused on it. It's one of those things that seems like it's right up my alley, but somehow doesn't manage to keep my attention.

I'm pissed they moved Fringe too, because that and Supernatural are my favorite shows on tv right now and they're sharing a timeslot. Hooray for the internet! lol
I guess I'm one of the few who both read the book AND liked the show. I think the show is an interesting take on what happened with the 6 billion "other" people in the world that the book didn't focus on. At the same time, it keeps the basic concepts and themes of the book. Hopefully, more of the characters from the book will be introduced as the show moves on (as Lloyd Simcoe was in the premiere), but even if they aren't, I'm prepared to judge the show on separate merits from the book.

And being one of the few who never watched Lost, I didn't catch any references, and hopefully they won't reference it too much in the future. (And, oh yeah, I've heard that the kangaroo makes a repeat appearance in future episodes...is that a "Lost" thing?)

I liked it! Looking forward to the rest of the season... I hope they don't cancel it. You can never attempt to compare a book to movie or TV show... I think you need to rate them separately...