Flashpoint Academy in Chicago


Aug 6, 2007
Im just curious if anyone has any experience with this school or if you know anything about it. I've been thinking about maybe applying to go there within the next year or two. It seems amazing, but every schools pitch makes them sound amazing.

Holy FUCK - Barefoots spotted y'all! Still, I kinda take a dim view of schools for recording, I feel most of it you can learn by reading a couple of books (namely Modern Recording Techniques to start), reading forums, and then just practicing!
Make sure they have a GREAT hands on/prac component, because that's all the usefulness that comes from these courses. All the theory you can learn yourself, and make better time to boot. It's very important that this place get you acquainted with the studio environment and give you lots of time to practice recording artists with lots of real outboard, analogue desk, patching everything everywhere etc. Essentially what you'd be doing as an assistant at a real studio.

PS.. Why does the guy manning the controller look like Sturgis?

It does look like an interesting place. I actually just graduated from Full Sail's RA program myself, and the only thing that makes these programs worth it is if you are trying to get employed at a pro studio. If you have a goal of starting a studio or freelance engineering it may be wiser/cheaper to consider a different route.
yea I hear full sail is extremely expensive and time consuming to the point where you cant have a job during your time there. I worked at a video game company where the programmers were making 31K a year and they said they're still buried in student loans
I actually found a guy on myspace that just finished up his first year. I asked him some questions about it and this is what he sent me.

Hey. Flashpoint is definitely a hands on school. I have just finished my first year and had the opportunity to record 3 bands during my second semester. They have a great selection of mics and preamps, a Digidesign D-Control board in the main studio, which has to main rooms and 2 smaller rooms all wired in. There are 4 mini-suites for students to work on projects, plus a synthesis suite and post production suite. Everything is equipped with Pro Tools HD. When one enters the audio program, there is of course a number of audio science type classes like Fundamentals of Sound and Acoustics, but you also go right into learning the software like DAW I & II. Flashpoint Academy stresses real world experience, so things move pretty quickly. By our third and fourth month, we were involved in producing a concert production at CBS studios with industry professionals. As I look forward to year two, I see there will be classes like Studio III & IV which will be taught and run out of Gravity Studios in Chicago, Studio Maintenance and Troubleshooting, Ear Training along with being able to reserve studio time and bring on our own bands to record. Not to mention you also learn about audio for film/video, including going out on location with film students and capturing audio for films and audio for video games as well. It's really an amazing school and I would suggest calling and checking out one of their tours where as a group or individually, they will show you around the school and give you a flavor of what the school has to offer. Definitely an up and coming school.

Im really really interested now...I may see this place in my future soon.
I honestly don't think that any of these schools dramatically increase your chances of getting employed in music. Just my two cents.

This may be true...but Im mainly wanting to go for the life experience. I live in this little town in Oklahoma, of about 5000 people. It would be awesome just to cut loose and move somewhere huge like Chicago and dive into this program. It would definatly be a lot better than staying around here, going to a run of the mill community college or small university and just becoming another "also ran"...
Makes a lot of sense dude - if you've got the money (and this school isn't too expensive, any more than $20k/year is too much IMO), I'd say go for it!
This may be true...but Im mainly wanting to go for the life experience. I live in this little town in Oklahoma, of about 5000 people. It would be awesome just to cut loose and move somewhere huge like Chicago and dive into this program. It would definatly be a lot better than staying around here, going to a run of the mill community college or small university and just becoming another "also ran"...
and I definitely wouldn't want to discourage you. If nothing else you'll get a basic knowledge and be in a city with a lot of great studios. Mostly, I wanted to mention that these schools are never the straight line to work that they sometimes present themselves as. But if you go and work hard you'll will certainly get something out of it.

Network your ass off in the city and try to get a solid internship. Best luck.
i went to columbia college in chicago, which is pretty much this schools direct competition for music and audio production. i dont know much about flashpoint other then i dont beleive you get a degree from them. However, i have a bachelors degree in "audio design and production" from Columbia. I graduated over a year ago now and still don't have a job (besides a shitty near minimum wage job).
and I definitely wouldn't want to discourage you. If nothing else you'll get a basic knowledge and be in a city with a lot of great studios. Mostly, I wanted to mention that these schools are never the straight line to work that they sometimes present themselves as. But if you go and work hard you'll will certainly get something out of it.

Network your ass off in the city and try to get a solid internship. Best luck.

Chicago SUCKS as far as studios go. Sure there a few great ones, but a city of this caliber and size should have many more options i think. This might be because of the dying industry though where home studio's are on the rise compared to actual budget studios.
Chicago SUCKS as far as studios go. Sure there a few great ones, but a city of this caliber and size should have many more options i think. This might be because of the dying industry though where home studio's are on the rise compared to actual budget studios.
Weird. I haven't been there in a few years but it seemed like you couldn't throw a rock w/o hitting a studio at that point. I know a couple of guys who went to Columbia College.....the video guys got work and the audio guys didn't.
if you're serious about going to a recording school, look at the conservatory of recording arts and sciences in AZ. i went there, and i have a friend that goes to flashpoint right now and i can tell you that you'll get more hands on time and learn a ton more in half the time at CRAS than flashpoint. 2 campuses, each with an ssl room, a neve room, and a neotek room. check it out www.cras.org
if you're serious about going to a recording school, look at the conservatory of recording arts and sciences in AZ. i went there, and i have a friend that goes to flashpoint right now and i can tell you that you'll get more hands on time and learn a ton more in half the time at CRAS than flashpoint. 2 campuses, each with an ssl room, a neve room, and a neotek room. check it out www.cras.org

Whats the tuition for this place? I cant seem to find it on the page.