Flesh and the Power it Holds-BASS


Bassist Member
Feb 12, 2002
Sao Paulo
Hey dudes and Steve, sorry for this post, I know Steve didn't play this song and this is not a forum for tab requests, but I might find someone that could help me...

That bass part on Flesh And The Power It Holds, on the last Death album, after the guitar solo... That bass interlude... Anyone already tabbed it out or kno how to play it??

I can have an idea of how to play that, but if someone already tabbed that, it might sound closer, I don't know...

Again, sorry for this off-topic post!
Hmm, thanks dude, but I already tried that site, and there is only the guitar tab(which does not have that bass part I want)...

Thanks anyway!
I don't have the CD here, so it's kind of hard to know what you're talking about? Is it the quiet part with the arpeggios? If so:


If this isn't the part you're talking about, mail me a short clip of it.