
djenital moosic
Feb 17, 2006
Just wanted to know if any of you guys use this unit, and if so whats your take on it? and just a concern i have with the unit is its not balanced, so i would be running it in a chain with my balanced Presonus ADL 600 and dont know if it not being balanced would undermind my Preamp? and yes im still a noob lol :headbang:
Agreed. Believe the hype. Very musical little box. A little on the ugly looking side but whatever. Probably the best bang-for-buck piece of kit I've ever bought. Keep the cables short and you should have no issues with the unbalanced inputs/outputs.

Sneap sung his praises about the unit a couple of years ago if I remember correctly.
Agreed. Believe the hype. Very musical little box. A little on the ugly looking side but whatever. Probably the best bang-for-buck piece of kit I've ever bought. Keep the cables short and you should have no issues with the unbalanced inputs/outputs.

Sneap sung his praises about the unit a couple of years ago if I remember correctly.
ah hemm
funk llogic make them look nice