Focusrite Saffire Liquid 56 - Live Drum Recording Test


Jun 30, 2003
So I finally went ahead and bought the Liquid Saffire 56 and one of my engineer friends was kind enough to give me his Sennhieser Drum Mic kit so 3 tom mics and 2 overheads. I used a 57 on snare top and an electronic roland kick drum with a Yamaha DTXpress module.

So I've done NOTHING much to the drums. A little top end added to kick and toms. Little cut till 400 on the OH and compressed the snare. That is all I did. The rest is as is. The skins on the kit are like a 100 years old and both crashes are cracked and they are all Zildjian Z3 Cymbals (except the middle china which is Oriental) and K kustom hats. The kit is a Mapex PRO M.

Lemme know what you think :)

Oh it's a video :p
Sounds really good so far!
But the worn out overheads are crazy.
They sound really thin and are missing the high end crisp.
Could you post a picture of your room?
Or just tell what you did in your room, it sounds pretty well balanced to me!
Dude, this would sound incredible with new heads/better tuning! I'm liking what I'm hearing right now.
Sounds really good so far!
But the worn out overheads are crazy.
They sound really thin and are missing the high end crisp.
Could you post a picture of your room?
Or just tell what you did in your room, it sounds pretty well balanced to me!

Hey man yeah both the crashes are cracked and one of the china's is also cracked. Getting replacements soon.

So this is my studio room.

But I've moved the position of the kit and this is how it is

If you were referring to the soundproofing well it's a wooden frame stuffed with glasswool and then covered in Jute fabric.