Folk Metal done wrong

You're right I don't compliment too many bands... granted, it is my opinion that the last 2 years have been the worst years for metal yet. Some truly horrible shit (the thrash revival, the emphasis on technicality and breakdowns in death, Dirty Chemist) has come out, so my compliments have been limited to classics for the most part.
God I couldn't agree with you more on the fucking thrash revival. Fuck Lich King. Goddammit. Technicality has helped death to evolve a bit. Which thrash can never do apparently.

I quit Dirty Chemist the other day.
Wait, so you've given up trying to make competent music, decided that you'll never EVER be competent in the art of writing music, and decided to start a band in the only genre that requires absolutely no ability whatsoever?

I think the jokes on you.
the emphasis on technicality in death metal is a terrible, terrible thing.

Definitely, for death metal. But it forged a new genre. There are still great Death bands that don't emphasize the technicality. But you have to remember that the forefathers of death metal (Death) were also extremely technical in the mid-to-late years. That's bound to have an effect. I mean if you think about it, the technicality mixed with the brutality is what makes DM so great. Look at Monstrosity's 'Millennium' album. Tons of technicality, but still mostly brutality. The technicality is simply hyperbolized now.

Seance's new album is fucking old school man with good production.
Wait, so you've given up trying to make competent music, decided that you'll never EVER be competent in the art of writing music, and decided to start a band in the only genre that requires absolutely no ability whatsoever?

I think the jokes on you.

Are you kidding me?
Rotten Sound, Nasum, or Napalm Death?

Have you friggin' heard 'Helvete' or 'Exit'?

Jeez you suck.
Napalm Death is more death metal than grindcore... their older material was poor. The more they embrace their death metal side (as they have with the last few releases), forgetting their hardcore era ever existed, the better they are.

Nasum is god awful (slam on a guitar and scream high pitched!).

Rotten Sound is in the same boat as Napalm Death, except they suck. To much "let's play a really fast blast beat on top of an Entombed clandestine riff while our vocalist screeches for an hour" for me to take seriously.
Napalm Death is more death metal than grindcore... their older material was poor. The more they embrace their death metal side (as they have with the last few releases), forgetting their hardcore era ever existed, the better they are.

Nasum is god awful (slam on a guitar and scream high pitched!).

Rotten Sound is in the same boat as Napalm Death, except they suck. To much "let's play a really fast blast beat on top of an Entombed clandestine riff while our vocalist screeches for an hour" for me to take seriously.

Hardcore? What the hell are you talking about??!? I'm strickly speaking of their last few releases. The old stuff is ugh.....They are still grindcore. They coined the term. Most of their riffs sound like evil punk rock if anything.

I really dislike your taste in music. Name a band you like. Jeebus.
A band I like? I like... umm... I don't know. The Grateful Dead?

Or you could see my Avatar. There's one. Pagan Altar. Darkestrah. Taake. Primordial. Death In June. In The Woods... Agalloch.

Based on that list you should be able to figure out what else I like pretty easily.
i FUCKING hate jollyfolk or germanfolk as i also like to call it because the only people who like absolute fucking SHIT like wintersun, ensiferum, eluvetie, korpiklaani, finntroll, turisas, equilibrium, ETC ETC ETC are germans. fuck germany to hell.
also will you two 1) get a room 2) dunk that room in a vat of boiling acid 3) fuck off