Folk/Thrash metal roughly mixed


Aug 4, 2009
Hi, everyone!

First of all: Many thanks for sharing your stuff and experience. :kickass:

I would like to hear some constructive criticism about two rough mixes that me and a friend of mine have made some time ago with our band. The songs are also on our myspace page:

Creatures of the Moon (vocals by me) Creatures.mp3

Tale of Dul an Valley Tales.mp3

Since the quality of the very rough takes (bass guitar, guitars, vocals) are not the pinnacle of our abilities, we already know that there is alot to do tone- and tightness-wise.

I would be especially grateful of some feedback concerning
- the levels of the instruments in reference to each other (eg. bass too loud, vocals too muffled, snare unhearable)
- the tone and clearity of the drums (programmed)
- since I am the bass guitar player: the tone and clearity of the Bass
- the songs themselves as a whole (songwriting,atmosphere,grammatical failure etc. :heh: :lol:)


Thanks mate!

Steeleye Span? I've never heard of them before. Looked them up and now I'm really digging them I must say. :p

These multiple vocal lines they use are great. I think we should try it, too. Might give the whole song a bit more charm. Maybe we should watch out for a female vocalist :kickass:

Next week, I will update the vocals and add some flutes in Tale of D. And I probably should use a DeEsser next time.
I like the second song most, the first one is kind of boring to me, but may be b/c of the mix. The mix has a lot of room to improve. Guitars are kind of thin. Drums are not big as ppl would say and kind of buried. Bass is in the second song kind of loud comparing to guitars or drums. Vocals are loud too. If its pre-production for your band to see how it all sounds then it might work. If you want demo/EP/album then its another story. Hope this helps.
I like the second song most, the first one is kind of boring to me, but may be b/c of the mix. The mix has a lot of room to improve. Guitars are kind of thin. Drums are not big as ppl would say and kind of buried. Bass is in the second song kind of loud comparing to guitars or drums. Vocals are loud too. If its pre-production for your band to see how it all sounds then it might work. If you want demo/EP/album then its another story. Hope this helps.

Thx for your reply! This was really helpful.
I sometimes got the feeling that in both songs the drums seem to be buried too much.
So far, it looks like we should spend more time on mixing the second song. ;)