Football: A Mans Sport

There are at least a few hot women that play on the females' England squad.


Whom I have met.

I can't stand soccer...not because of some bullshit chest-beating, macho "Amerrrcan football is the real football" bullshit, but only because the soccer players here are such pussies. Most of them are actors on the field and get carried off, only to jump up on the sidelines and sprint right back out there. It's fun to watch live because the fans are brutal, but the sport today, IMO, is full of a bunch of fucking metrosexual pansies.
In Italy, yes.

Italy gets bad press for having pansy-men footballers. It's a very delicate form of football.

British football is alot more physical. Scottish football is downright dirty. :)
Oh yes...I can actually enjoy a match from anyone from your island. They seem more like men. I'm not some neanderthal alpha male, but there has to be a line somewhere. Italian footballers are some of the best in the world, but they're still a bunch of fags, IMO, :lol:

I think I'll make a shirt that reads something like: "Calcio is for faggots and pussies", just to piss them off here.

It was quite fun when they won the World Cup, though...I've never seen crazy partying like that in my life.

Exactly! Some Italian football players are intensely good, but it has a repuation for being a bit "flowery" if you get me. British games are alot more physical and gritty.

Exactly! Some Italian football players are intensely good, but it has a repuation for being a bit "flowery" if you get me. British games are alot more physical and gritty.

Italian football has a direct correlation to Italian warfighting and just fighting in general. They're not the manliest of men, :lol:.
They like to live with their mothers and spend FAR too much on hair wax and clothes. :lol:

It's a sad shame considering the mighty Roman Empire once hailed from there, and they certainly were manly men.
They like to live with their mothers and spend FAR too much on hair wax and clothes. :lol:

It's a sad shame considering the mighty Roman Empire once hailed from there, and they certainly were manly men.

The hair wax thingy is more in the south...but the clothes. Sheesh. Not just the spending of money on said clothes but the styles of clothes these men are buying. The modern Italian male is one big joke to the Italian females. Gone are the days of manliness...except for the metalheads, or metallari, as we call each other.
I still love Italy, regardless. I've spent most of my time in Rome, almost a year now in total (in bursts) but I've spent time everywhere. Such a beautiful country.
Thanks, couldn't remember the exact wording.

Remember this?

"But you can't have a baby! How are you going to gestate the fetus? What are you going to do, keep it in a box?"