for a laugh...

I love Linkin Park more than any band in the world. They are the best. I mean their lyrics are soooo good. They dont just write what the song is about in big bold letters, they write in metaphores, so you have to think about what it means. All there lyrics have a lot of depth. But what i love most is how they write about feelings, emotions, stress, frustration, anger, all things that everyone can relate to. Plus they are extremely talented people. They all bring a lot to the band. Chester has an icredible voice, he sounds soo cool, and he can also sing gently(the soulfull Chaz):)Mike raps, sings, plays piano and guitar.Joe spins,he was also the director for their video. Brad plays guitar. Rob plays drumbs. Phoenix plays bass. And together they all blend perfectly to get an AWSOME band. I LOVE LINKIN PARK!!!!!!!!!!

All there lyrics have a lot of depth.
Shut up when I’m talking to you!
Shut up! shut up! shut up!
Shut up when I’m talking to you!
Shut up! shut up! shut up! shut up!
I’m about to break

Every thing you say to me
Takes me one step closer to the edge
And I’m about to break!
I need a little room to breathe
’cause I’m one step closer to the edge,
And I’m about to break!

Man, those have to be the most in-depth and thoughtful lyrics I've ever read. If only Mikael could write lyrics like that...
R0l0 said:
Shut up when I’m talking to you!
Shut up! shut up! shut up!
Shut up when I’m talking to you!
Shut up! shut up! shut up! shut up!

I wish they would. :err:
OpethNZ said:
haha yep, it paints quite a bleak picture, btw NFU whilst doing my searches for Caravan i finally found where your bloody username is from! :D

and his past 3 usernames or smth ;)
great band!

about the original topic:

you just gotta love that guy

"I Luv Linkin Park, Their awesome!! They R Ma Fav Band Eva & I Luv The Mash Up With Jay-Z, Good Move! Ma Fav Songs R "Place 4 My Head" & "Papercut" Theres No Way 2 Describe Just how great LP R! So I'm just gonna cut it short.
Keep Up Tha Good Work LP!

Luv Amy*"
yeah the thing i find most hilarious is all the people saying "omg i luv lp their liek so orignial adn stuff"'d think these people had never heard anything but mtv and--wait, nevermind :ill:

i expect most of these people are between the ages of 12 and 15. their parents should beat them severely.
"I can't believe more people don't like Linkin Park, I mean there only the best band ever and they will dominate the music industry with their rock, hip hop, and techno music."

"Linkin Park is the best band eva, no1 can beat their kind of music they are Rock clased with Nu metal, Totally unique if u dont like them u must be crazy wats wrong wid u. In the end is class, From the inside is wicked ave they eva released a rubbish song NO. Their new Album wid Jay-z has 1 Badass song Encore/Numb its better the second time around. Keep it real

The terrible grammar and spelling is testament to the type of kids that "Lp" attract. Drippling, bed-wetting 14 year old H4rDc0r3 $k4terpunkz"
As much as I hate to say it, their fanbase isn't only composed of 12-15 year olds. I can't believe my ears when I hear that many of my peers in college are actual linkin park fans. It seems like this band has become THE band for the person who has the average interest in music, e.g., someone with <50 albums who doesn't see music as much more than something to listen to in the car or at a party.
The average Linkin Park listener probably owns about 4 albums, which were given to them, or they bought them to look cool, they seem more like the type of people who don't see the point in forking out cash for something they could steal. I have less less than 50 albums, but that's because I am penniless!
You all are acting like its so amazing that all these people like Linkin Park. When you have commercial industries ramming this shit down your throat all day, you are going to have a substanial fanbase. Kids dont go out and listen to Woods of Ypres because they've never heard of them before. They've heard about Linkin Park. However, I do find it funny how none of their fanbase can speak in correct grammatical English.
R0l0 said:
As much as I hate to say it, their fanbase isn't only composed of 12-15 year olds. I can't believe my ears when I hear that many of my peers in college are actual linkin park fans. It seems like this band has become THE band for the person who has the average interest in music, e.g., someone with <50 albums who doesn't see music as much more than something to listen to in the car or at a party.
yeah fortunately i go to small hippy college, no lame-ass mallcore kids here at all....granted there's only a few metalheads, but i can deal

yea luz i wanna eat some people too