For all you comic geeks...

Yer saw it yesterday.

Looks darn good too. The Xmen films have been very superior comic book adaptations without the cheesy bits you sometimes get in most of this genre.

Jackman nails it as Logan.

Grammar as Beast is very very interesting casting wise.

Kong soon too. Woohoooo.

I completed my Nerd collection of DVDs yesterday. Found the other Limited Edition EP 3 ROTS DVD here in Australia with special slipcase (oooh) to match my Ep 1 and 2 slipcase DVDs. All of them still in shrinkwrap, never to opened, touched or looked at. Hopefully they either make me very very rich when I am older or feeling very nerdy. :wave:
I think Grammar is a good choce to play Beast. I just hope the next one will be as good as the first two. They both were really well done IMO.
I'm looking forward to this morning. I thought X2 was a great movie. When Wolvie went all berserker at the school....classic!

Speaking of comics, anyone reading any of Infinite Crisis stories? I'm so freakin' behind on my comic reading. I just started the O.M.A.C story, and hope to get to the actual Infinite Crisis books soon. I also need to get crackin' on the Marvel House of M arc.
remington69 said:
Fuck, I didn't even know they were doing a Preacher movie! I must've glossed over it in Wizard. I **heart** Garth Ennis.

They are working on it. I think it would be much better as a TV-series. And yes Garth Ennis is the man. I like his work on Hellblazer and the Punisher too.
yeah vinnie jones is juggernaut, terrible choice, whats brilliant is that the pic is blantantly just vinnie jones with a metal collar on, stoopid, theyare gonna have to bulk him up in a huuuuge suit, cant see how he will work out

i have to go against the flow and i say i hated both x men flicks, thought they were terrible........ well terrible is slightly harsh cos theres a few things i liked in there...not much tho, i couldnt get over what they did to sabertooth, and rogue.....and iceman

i know they will always fuck with comics and you have to generally accept that.....but i love sabertooth, the relationship him and logan have in the comic world is one of the best hate fuelled feuds out there...for logan to not even know who he was sucked such huuuuuuuuuge balls, plus sabertooth was a skinny pussy !! my mum could have taken him out

magneto was cool tho, and storm is pretty accurate too, ie useless

the ending to x men 2 bothers me too in that its rubbish and makes no sense
sorry i didnt mean that bit.... i know about phoenix. and i realise this is their way of getting that story into it,but i just thought it was a bullshit way to do it, but the whole jean parting the water with all her energy thing was rubbish.....and totally not needed for jean to be even out there....the xmen in the movie are dumbasses.....

after jean had buggered off and everyone was a bit weepy, why didnt anyone point out that iceman could have perhaps patched up the dam pretty easily.....or heeeeeey, doesnt someone here control the elements of nature? is water an element? stoooorm !! you've fucked it again !

maybe i am too petty about these things....hmmm....

Just got Batman Begins in the mail. Havent seen it, heard its the best Batman yet.
lokey said:
sorry i didnt mean that bit.... i know about phoenix. and i realise this is their way of getting that story into it,but i just thought it was a bullshit way to do it, but the whole jean parting the water with all her energy thing was rubbish.....and totally not needed for jean to be even out there....the xmen in the movie are dumbasses.....

after jean had buggered off and everyone was a bit weepy, why didnt anyone point out that iceman could have perhaps patched up the dam pretty easily.....or heeeeeey, doesnt someone here control the elements of nature? is water an element? stoooorm !! you've fucked it again !

maybe i am too petty about these things....hmmm....

Yeah, I (respectfully) think your a bit petty about those things. As far as super hero movies go, X-men and Spider Man are the best.

Storm has power over the weather, not rivers and lakes.
Iceman's powers aren't fully developed yet, that's why he couldn't have done anything about the damn.
Phoenix rising is going to be the shit. I hope Colossus and Beast are in the next one.
hahah yeah i am being pretty petty i know, its still enough for me to personally not enjoy them tho, they are watchable, but too many bits grate ( i wont even begin with their trendy matrix outfits ;).......but yeah it extends to spidey, i love spidey, i dont like either movie ( esp the second one tho)......again good bits suck bits...

lord lindsey, click the link at the top of this thread tho for the pic of beast, he looks pretty cool esp considering its kelsey colossus this time out, its juggernaut and i guess magneto is back again

my fave superhero, and superhero hellboy. he rules. can't wait for hellboy2, ........and thank crap they are keeping mignola on as advisor/writer and doo daa ( the first director, you know the blade one.....guillermo del toro ?!?! bad spell maybe)
Aren't they planning a Capt America?

What about Iron Man?

Gotta be careful, don't wanna fuck em up like Daredevil, Elektra and The Hulk.