For any fans of 80s Hard Rock & Hair Metal....


Jul 18, 2002
If you're one of those who wants to boogie woogie to the new POS this thread probably isnt for you. Or the prog snobs who need to be math majors in order to enjoy endless amounts of time changes ala Spiral Architect.

BUT......if you're one of those who loves the old Hard Rock & Hair Metal stuff from waaay back when (Im assuming you do why else would you peek in this thread? ;)) take a listen to this band.

They have really blown me away, and the singer is fucking great!

If you love bands like Keel, Lillian Axe, Cold Sweat, XYZ, old Dokken, Firehouse, Roxus, PC69, Babylon AD, old Skid Row, and so on....I give you...

WASHED (add this name to the list of "we need a new name coz this one blows* list)

I'll be featuring these guys in the future on my radio show.
Good stuff, but it goes without saying that it's no Disco Queen. :lol:


Sounds ok just nothing memorable. There are tons of bands tapping into this genre...most from Europe and they can do it better. Good luck to em, but l'm afraid they'll be adding "out" to their name after it's said & done.

I instantly disregarded the topic of the thread after that first sentence, not because I like PoS and 80's hair-metal, but because any post that starts with an instant dismissal of half the people in this forum isn't worthy of my attention to read.

The comment was more tongue-in-cheek than anything hence my terminology of "boogie woogie". Having a "stance" or penalizing a band over MY comments seems silly to me. I could careless if someone called me an asshole, and then posted a kickass band. A kickass band is a kickass band, and said person isnt the official spokes person. I guess I can distinguish the difference.
If you're one of those who wants to boogie woogie to the new POS this thread probably isnt for you. Or the prog snobs who need to be math majors in order to enjoy endless amounts of time changes ala Spiral Architect.

BUT......if you're one of those who loves the old Hard Rock & Hair Metal stuff from waaay back when (Im assuming you do why else would you peek in this thread? ;)) take a listen to this band.

They have really blown me away, and the singer is fucking great!

If you love bands like Keel, Lillian Axe, Cold Sweat, XYZ, old Dokken, Firehouse, Roxus, PC69, Babylon AD, old Skid Row, and so on....I give you...

WASHED (add this name to the list of "we need a new name coz this one blows* list)

I'll be featuring these guys in the future on my radio show.

Drumrman, you're speaking my language brother! :rock: