I'll be curious to see the exact finishing times, which you pick up from the departure times on the following leg.
And the answer? Around an hour, so it wasn't even close.
Kynt and Vyxsin were eliminated this past weekend, so my interest in the show has really dropped a lot.
I was happy to see Kynt and Vixin depart. Basically, the more they chose to keep referring to themselves as "goths," the more I wanted them gone. I don't understand why being goth is a defining characteristic, but they sure milked the shit out of it. They were pretty good competitors, but oh well.
I actually didn't think this season would keep me interested, but I have watched every episode. As far as the teams still remaining, I don't know who my money is on...probably Old Man River and his grandson. I'd love to see someone bitch slap Christina's dad.
I also think TK and Rachel should lay of the pipe, because they're basically burnt toast in the brain cell department.
The couple that argues all the time is probably my favorite as far as entertainment.
Err, the producers milked the shit out of it.
Exactly! That's what I loved about them the most. They seemed more well-adjusted than the other teams, so I was happy to see the title "goths" slapped on some smart, focused, happy people in pink.That's probably the case. I know I did get tired of seeing "Dating Goths" on screen, when everyone else was "Dating" or whatever.
Still, glad to see fun, happy people reprezentin' instead of "hiply angry" bozos.
Hopefully it will be Azaria (of the previously eliminated brother-and-sister team). At last report, he was dating Christina in real life (!) So, yeah, I'd like to see him bitchslap her dad Ron into next week.
Funny how girls always find guys just like their dad. Azaria seemed to share a few of the condescending, domineering qualities with Ron.
Incidentally, I wonder how Kendekea feels about this. Ya know, cuz her and Azaria, seemed to have, well, forget it...
I'd really enjoy seeing the non-elimination rounds phased out. I just end up asking myself what is point of watching those episodes.
TK and Rachel had probably the biggest setback of the season and it basically meant nothing.
Hopefully next week will be more highly charged considering it's to get into the final 3. Still rooting for gramps and his grandson.
Well, actually it did. For one of the first times I've seen, teams arriving at different times didn't get 'bunched up' by, say, having to get a newspaper at a certain kiosk that opened at 6am. Their arrival times in Osaka factored directly into who was in the lead, and TK & Rachel's flight messup really hurt them: not only do they have to contend with a Speed Bump in the final round (in Alaska, I think), but they are also starting out THREE hours behind. (!)
I'd like for Nate and Jen to lose, and no, I don't care that they're dirt-poor and in debt in real life, a point they make over and over again on CBS' website.
But who knows, there could be a situation in the next episode(early on) that allows for TK and Rachel to "catch up" via something similar to your newspaper kiosk example. I'm quite convinced the producers probably have various tricks up their sleeves to accommodate any and all hypothetical situations. Like: if all teams are tightly bunched, we go with option A. if someone is painfully far behind, option B, etc...
I would agree with you. The airport seems to always seems to be the great equalizer -- teams get there way early then have to wait for their flights. If the other teams have to wait then TK and Rachel stand a good chance at recovering those three hours, especially if the teams are headed to Alaska. Then, of course, that means TK and Rachel need a little luck with whatever flight they end up booking.
Yep - we were equally glad to see the Bickermasters get the heave-ho. What a pain in the butt they both were, especially the whiney Jen. So personally I'm pulling for TK and Rachael now, although Chris deserves a share of the prize for dealing with her father for most of the show!
What a shocker when TK and Rachel were able to catch up. Their 3 hr delay was completely negated in the first 10 minutes of the show.
I'll be rooting for Don and Nick to win. I think the only time my favorite team actually won was Rob and Amber, so I'm really pulling for a win from them.
I gotta say I'm sad to see [Nate] and Jen go. They were like a guilty pleasure of mine that I hate to admit to liking. Oh well, he'll land some stupid reality tv show and she'll do Playboy or something.
So personally I'm pulling for TK and Rachael now, although Chris deserves a share of the prize for dealing with her father for most of the show!