for anyone who cares: Kataklysm - Serenity in Fire...


Membrum virile
Jul 28, 2003
Not Siberia
FUCKING ROOLS!!! well, except for the first three tracks that are kind of mediocre and don't really represent what the band is fully capable of... in that respect, the CD is a crescendo getting better and better as it moves on towards the end. So, if you heard Ambassador of Pain and didn't like it: it was the first song on the CD, and sucks the most. It gets better as the CD progresses.

that said... Go buy it when it comes out and support Canadian metal.

i love their drummer, guy sounds like a frigen mahcine gun
i have in shadows and dust if i get time ill check this shit out
as for canadian metal we all know that cryptopsy is the better of the two leading DM bands in canada :D
NicodemiX said:
FUCKING ROOLS!!! well, except for the first three tracks that are kind of mediocre and don't really represent what the band is fully capable of... in that respect, the CD is a crescendo getting better and better as it moves on towards the end. So, if you heard Ambassador of Pain and didn't like it: it was the first song on the CD, and sucks the most. It gets better as the CD progresses.

that said... Go buy it when it comes out and support Canadian metal.


Thnx bro. I was going to post about this album somewhere asking who has heard it, & if it is good. I just listened to amb. of pain 5 mins ago. It was quite enjoyable. Sounds like it would fit on shadows & dust. If that's the weakest song on the album. Then we're in for a treat :headbang:
metalskater7 said:
i love their drummer, guy sounds like a frigen mahcine gun
i have in shadows and dust if i get time ill check this shit out
as for canadian metal we all know that cryptopsy is the better of the two leading DM bands in canada :D
and we all know that Into Eternity lay both of them to waste
Flo still destroys him though
half the time its sounds like he ahs 6 arms
new album this summer let see what he pulls out
to bad kataklysm and cryptopsy are hating rival bands a co tour would be sic
a malevolent creation-cryptopsy would be even better though
metalskater7 said:
to bad kataklysm and cryptopsy are hating rival bands a co tour would be sic
a malevolent creation-cryptopsy would be even better though

Katakylsm needs to tour with devil driver. AHAHAH. There's an open challenge to dez.
I haven't heard much Cryptopsy, but what I have heard kinda bores me. I'll give it another listen though since I haven't really given them a fair try. What's their best album?
im my opinion whisper supremacy
download a song called "cold hate warm blood" and another called "phobophile"
those 2 usually get people hooked to hear more
and if you wnna here the greatest seed picked riff of all time its in the middle of "shroud"

NP:in shadows and dust title track :D
metalskater7 said:
im sorry i hate that goddamn band, devildriver that is

lol right on. Go check the opeth board archives from a couple weeks ago. You'll see the comments made from both bands lead singers. They don't like each other much. Well most of the hate is coming from kataklysm's end. Kataklysm was an inch away from touring with opeth. But devildriver got the gig. Kataklysm lashed out with comments toward's dez and his nu metal heritage. He spewed back saying that he loved their new album. Kataklysm replied. "how does he like our new album? it isn't even out yet" Dez then replied saying that he can understand why they're mad. Losing all that tour money. Kataklysm replied saying it's not about the money. It's about the music. And went on to challenge them to join them on an underground tour.
That's the broad gist of it.