For Anyone who Does NOT play WOW !!!


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
Those of you interested i have 10 day free trial keys and free software d/l ...

If you were ever interested in playing wow email me jcohenlv (at)

and ill get you a key ....

Disclaimer:This is legal and legitimate, Blizzard offers free 10 day trials to friends of players. Nothing illegal about it.
Dammit Jason, you are tempting me..... It took me six YEARS to give up UO. I can't, nay, WON'T go back into that hell. Jesus, that shit almost took over my life. Worse than crack I tell ya.....:zombie:
I'm short on time to get things done as is.....Can't start playing a life sucking game like WoW. I've seen what it has done to friends of mine:goggly: :lol:
Vas is das, WOW?

Trust me man, slowly back away....

This is one of those online role-playing games that take over people's lives, ruin marriages, cause school failures, and lead to general ruin.

If you get into the game, it takes over. Worse than crack/herion/meth put together, cause they mask it as fun game time.

I tell ya, I played one of these for 6 years and it almost took over my f'ing life. There was a part of the game, that you could only do every 6 hours (BOD's Guru, lol) and my life became a 6 hour cycle. Literally, wake up at 5:50am logon, do action, logoff. 11:50am Go to lunch at work, run home, do action. 5:50pm Get home, do action. Midnight, do again. Fuck me, that was some of the worst time of my life, I kid you not. That shit is addicting beyond belief. I have vow'ed never again, never again. Don't get me wrong, a few games on playstation or equal is fine. But the online comp games are the electronic crack of our time.

Sorry, rant over, but this shit is scary.
WoW can be used in so many different ways....
One couple, a while ago me,t in WoW, and they married in real life...

Yeah, same thing happened in UO, several couples got married. There was also people who sold houses (in this case Castles) for real life money on Ebay. Highest I ever saw was $3k for a Castle (remember this is VIRTUAL realty). Just crazy, there are many Ebay sales of over $100-300 every day on this shit. Stupid I tell ya.
Yeah, same thing happened in UO, several couples got married. There was also people who sold houses (in this case Castles) for real life money on Ebay. Highest I ever saw was $3k for a Castle (remember this is VIRTUAL realty). Just crazy, there are many Ebay sales of over $100-300 every day on this shit. Stupid I tell ya.
indeed, just like junkies selling their mama's jewlry for crack money:lol: these people spend money on EPIC items
Given all that's been said about this game recently, I can proudly say I've not been into computer games for...I dunno, a year or whatever. Maybe longer. Point is: it's far nicer to actually have a life.
oh and nevermore should stay away from that game or the new nevermore album is gonna be the wow soundtrack with some monster crying in some dungeon and with jeff and steve being pissed that their party got pwned in a high level dungeon/instance and with WD laughing mightly at them.:lol:
my ex-level41 warlock pwned a lot btw:lol:
Its called self control people. People who dopnt have any should NOT play MMORPG's.

Screw cycles, Screw Raiding ... yea those things are fun but you do them when you HAVE THE TIME TO PLAY.

I have a dude i play with who is always getting on my shit cause im not on more. I told him DUDE ... i have a fucking life outside this game. I actually have a wife and i get laid

I play about an hour a day. During the week, and about 3 Hours on sundays while watching football.

Have some control and everything is fine.