For anyone who want to hear some AWESOME female-fronted metal, check this out!

MMMM i was just listening to Atropine, and a few of the songs on yeah her voice is hot.. Another band to add to my long list of cd's to buy if i can ever AFFORD them one day.. all of the SymX albums except the odyssey (coz i have it already) come first though..
That was OK. Nothing mind-blowing or anything though. It was thrashier than most metal with female singers, but they should have made the vocals louder and taken out those guitar leads which clash with the vocals. The singer was good, but she sounds quite generic.

That's my 1337 opinion.

Harp Heaven said:
The girl isn`t hot enough for me to listen to them. Now where did I leave my Arch Enemy poster? :loco:
Look, it's the male version of a Backstreet Boys fan!