For Better or Betterer

catchy stuff! dig the harmonies around 1:10. wow, the harmonies around the 3 minute mark are some of the most spot on playing I've ever heard. the tune took a bit to kick in, but once it did, it didn't disappoint.
Hey thanks! Yeah it took me ages to get those right, I had to do composite takes for the upper harmony, it was a real stretch on the pinkie!

I do need to add something at the start to create a bit more excitement. Maybe once I can add some vocals It will fill in better. Pity I can't sing! If anyone wants to try be my guest :)

Any criticism on the mix?
There's not too much to my lead tone. The lead at the end was played on my rg1527 using the neck pickup which is a dimarzio air norton 7. The chain is as follows - TSS (drive and tone at about 7.2), nick crow 8505 (gain at 2oclock, mids 3oclock, sweep 9oclock, high 11oclock, power amp at full), cabinet is awesome4pulse, then into cakewalk sonitus delay set to sync at 1 beat on the left and 3/4 beat on the right, then straight into the master bus which just has ozone on it. The pickup gives it that great twang, and the tss is what really brings it out.
I'll try changing the kick and snare levels a bit. The kick probably has a bit too much presence.