Looking for opinions on my guitar tone!Melodic DM

the guitars sound pretty decent... although all the layering makes it kinda untight... I would reduce the gain... I like the solo sound a lot though....
the snare drum has a weird kling to it that is present when you do blastbeats...
No offense but.. whoa the drums are killing me dude :D Basedrum has zero lowend and the snare is just "poing" :D The guitars are acceptable though. So, i would try less compression on the snare + EQ work (lower ~400 Hz?), and some major EQing on the basedrum ;) (more lowend, maybe less mids, more "click")
it sounds to me like the guitars are clipping pretty bad at the beginning. maybe less rhythm guitar tracks or just turn down some of the takes a lot. also the snare kind of has this st. anger ring in the background. kick drum is really loud.
Alright, so how would you do pan/layer the guitars?

If you want to have that much gain I would only use 2 guitars one panned left 100 and one right.... :Saint: doubling guitars gives a fatter sound but then you have to have lower gain settings outherwise it just sounds muddy:rock:
Hey Guys, i've taken all of your advice into a new mix that can be found in my first post.
I re-recorded all the guitars, same amount of tracks, less dist.
I also gave the kick more body and made the snare less St. Anger like;)

So, how does it sound now?
There might be some minor clipping on the breakdown part, but i'll look into that tomorrow, cuz its getting late overhere(Netherlands)

now it sounds better but the snare is too loud.... lower the volume :o) also the cymbals/ride/hihats seem to be way too much compressed or in the background...