for guitarists only...

I don't really know anything about guitars, but I have an ESP that is pretty similar to that one, and I know that I enjoy it besides the Floyd Rose bridge which is my sworn enemy!
i'm no expert on guitars but i'll give my 2 cents here.

The guitar looks pretty good (though not my taste)from have i've heard ESP have gotten a reputation of making so so guitars at high prices these days so I suggest you to check out other guitars from other manufacturers and compare them (Jackson, Ibanez among others) also keep in mind it has a Floyd Rose Bridge :D
oh btw don't get fooled by the looks, if you can by any certain way get a hold on the guitar before you buy it, to see how it feels and how good it plays.
Here is my take. I really only like and play ESP for electric guitars (for now anyways), if your a serious guitar player then I would suggest staying away from the LTD models.

I don't know what happen but the real ESP MH Customs used to be up on the website and now they are not, that is just wierd. Becuase I was looking into buying the MH Custom myself, but I will never buy an LTD model I have played many of them and they are pretty much the very cheap model of the ESP, kinda like Epitone is to Gibson.

The best thing is to do is to go to a store and play alot of different models and see which one fits you the best, becuase a great looking guitar may look great but may play like a pile of shinto!

my two cents, good luck with your search \m/

I HATE Floyds, in fact, I HATE HATE HATE them.

And I'm so glad my axe (EB/MM JPM) has a custom tremolo system, really really nice, like a Fender one, only it's funny to play with just like with a floyd rose, and also I have no problem changing strings or tuning precisely... :)
One of the nicest electrics I ever played was a Godin (made in Canada). We had one for awhile, and had to sell it when we needed to pay some bills :(
My daughter has an ESP. It's really nice, but the neck has a strange feel to it. Which one does Romeo use?
I have been trying to find a dealer that has Caparison Guitars or even a used one becuase I love the tones I hear from the players that play these guitars. Henrick and Tom (Evergrey), Ola and Peter (Soilwork), Mattias Eklundh (Freak Kitchen) , Andy LaRocque (King Diamond), Chris Amott (Arch Enemy, Armageddon)and so on. I just need to find one so I can play it!!!

MJR uses a custom MII ESP. I own an Epiphone Les Paul standard, a Yamaha Pacifica 604 (which is going to be tuned a whole step down to play SX) and I'm getting a Parker Fly Classic next week for my 18th birthday :D

I'd suggest trying that guitar but be wary that the LTD guitars may not deserve ESP's reputation. Consider them different manufacturers altogether.
My 79cents' worth:

Well, I'm a staunch Ibanez man. I play Ibanez guitars (sadly, not sponsored :() and I can't recommend them enough for technical rock playing.
I don't like Floyd Rose trems (too sensitive/unstable), I don't like EMG pick-ups, either. I find them too aggressive on the whole.
Through-necks are nice, but they put the price up, and I don't know what the neck/body join is like on ESP's (on Ibanez it's fantastic).
I don't know what the radius is like on this ESP, but I played my friend's ESP 7-string, and the neck is so ultra fat, I found it almost unusable.
Extra Jumbo frets???? Jesus! Give me small frets every time.
The controls arrangement doesn't look too great, either. I like the controls to be set out the way enough from the playing area, but still within reach. The arrangement on this one looks perhaps a little too far away from the back end of the body.

Like Ultimate Symphony said, you've really got to get your hands on it and see how it feels to you. You might find something basic like the body contours just don't sit well with you, or the neck join doesn't work for you.

The price doesn't seem too high, but for a similar price you can find some very good guitars (Ibanez........Ibanez.......and Ibanez :D )
Originally posted by Ultima Ibanez Overlord
My 79cents' worth:

Well, I'm a staunch Ibanez man. I play Ibanez guitars (sadly, not sponsored :() and I can't recommend them enough for technical rock playing.
I don't like Floyd Rose trems (too sensitive/unstable), I don't like EMG pick-ups, either. I find them too aggressive on the whole.
Through-necks are nice, but they put the price up, and I don't know what the neck/body join is like on ESP's (on Ibanez it's fantastic).
I don't know what the radius is like on this ESP, but I played my friend's ESP 7-string, and the neck is so ultra fat, I found it almost unusable.
Extra Jumbo frets???? Jesus! Give me small frets every time.
The controls arrangement doesn't look too great, either. I like the controls to be set out the way enough from the playing area, but still within reach. The arrangement on this one looks perhaps a little too far away from the back end of the body.

Like Ultimate Symphony said, you've really got to get your hands on it and see how it feels to you. You might find something basic like the body contours just don't sit well with you, or the neck join doesn't work for you.

The price doesn't seem too high, but for a similar price you can find some very good guitars (Ibanez........Ibanez.......and Ibanez :D )

What do you think about Jem555 then?
Is there anywhere near you where you can play them? Buying a guitar without playing it is like buying a car without driving it! There is a guitar out there that is just right for YOU. But...if there is no decent music store near you, will let you get a guitar and try it and if you hate it, return it. We've had good experiences with them. metropolis2k X >>> Happy're getting a very cool guitar!!:cool:
Originally posted by Dado-x
What do you think about Jem555 then?
There is nothing wrong with the 555. It's a pretty good guitar and can be had at a fairly decent price on Ebay. The problem most people get into is trying to compare them to a higher end JEM. And that they are not. But you wouldn't expect them to be for the price. If the 555 is in your price range and it's what your looking for, as far as looks go (Grip, Lion's Claw), go for it. The downfall of the 555 is it's trem. It has a trsII trem. They aren't great. But if your not used to the Lo-Pro and Edge trems you'll get along fine with it. If the Claw and Grip aren't important to you i'd suggest a Japanese made RG. They have the better Lo-Pro/Edge trems and have a better build quality.
As has been echoed by the others, get you and play some and find out what fits your needs. There is nothing like the hands on approach. Hope this helps. :)

Should see and play it first, then it would be easier to say something about the "quality" or playability or whatever. Everything seems ok, frets and all, and the neck solution (through the body) is a plus. And it looks neat, too. One thing there is (or isn't), though, is that it's lacking a middle pickup. One single coil between the humbuckers might do wonders...

But this is what REALLY interests me:

I see that most people here don't like Floyd Rose bridge. May I ask why? With these actions, I've had no big problems (I have an Ibanez, but the bridge is FR anyway) :

I don't see the tuning a big problem: open the locks and make the 'coarse tuning' as accurate as possible (preferrably with a tuner), THEN close the locks and the rest is just fine adjustments. The fine tuning system is meant for fine tuning, not for magic tricks. And the strings must be WELL streched when u change them. This way they won't give in while playing.

Multi-string bending is not as accurate, but hey, we all have to practise, don't we? Compensating the bridge movements simply IS part of playing with FR. And compared to Gibson bridges (for example), you get more variety in fx, cause you have the bar.

With FR, I've had some difficulties with strings cutting off from the bridge, but that's because of my style of playing, which could unfortunately be described as 'unnecessary roughness'. :)

If you have one, or if you want one, then you have to be prepared to live with it. I don't see the bridge a problem, so don't let THAT get in the way!
Hello!! :wave:

Guitars are the best! I have been a guitar player for about 6 years and I personally would suggest Jackson. I have two Jackson guitars: A Dinky with a reversed headstock (DR3), Seymor Duncan pickups, trans-green color and I also have a black King V with EMG pickups :cool:

But go with your heart man! I suggest Jackson but that is just me! Everyone is different, which makes the world go round :)

Good luck!
Though it truely depends on the style and versatlility you want to play... Also, your skills and level is important...

It looks quite good, not my taste though...
ESP are damn good, though very expensive...I recommend a Jackson, or an Ibanez...They're much better in my taste, and a lot cheaper... If you want something good, but with a lower price, try BC
My brother owns their Warlock... one fucking hella good guitar...
and I own a Jackson RR3... Love it too...

Better go to the closest guitar dealer near you and check 'em out... Later tell me what you think...