For how long have you been listening to Evergrey?

Good for you friend! I'm quite junior. I've seen Evergrey for the first time @ Gods of Metal, in Italy, Summer 2005: a lightning strike! I bought Recreation Day the same day (by one the stands inside the concert area). After the show evergrey was my favorite band! :worship:rock:
I first heard about Evergrey sometime in early 2006 thanks to MTV2's Headbanger's Ball playing the "Blinded" video. Instantly knew that they'd become one of my favorites since I rewound the TiVo about 5 or 6 times in order to watch the video again. I heard they were playing at this metal festival in Atlanta called ProgPower in September(which I had also not heard of prior to then) and ordered all of the CD's and DVD. In Atlanta, I saw them re-create the DVD from the front left of the stage. It was an amazing experience and only I wish I was lucky enough to live somewhere where I could see the band on a regular basis.
Ive been a die hard fan since a friend of mine whos uncle is a friend of Micke took me to a show in oslo.From that moment i were sold! seen them live 7 times now, and they only get better!
I saw them live last December, and that's what really turned me into a fan. Also it was the first metal show I've ever been to :p
I'm not sure how long its been exactly. Since 02 or 03 maybe? They played the BW & BK festival in Cleveland and were fantastic. Recreation Day was their latest release at the time.
Since 2005 Summer, Inner Circle Tour. I saw 'em in Rock Istanbul festival. Gods walked the earth!
I am relatively a new fan. I envy people knowing EG since many years...
I saw Evergrey for the first time at Gates of Metal -05 and I was hooked immediately. Since then I've seen them about 13 times.. :kickass: