For My Bodom Brothers! Shameless Self-Promotion! Tee Hee!

Oct 26, 2002

I hope you enjoy it! It's a re-edited version of an old short film of mine, called "Awakening." This one is called "The Awakening, The Finale."

Thanks for checking it out, and if you don't like it, you can comment or just rant in this thread! The crazier the better... :D
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you know those B-side terror movies, where they make intentionally bad, but becomes fun to watch? Well your movie is plain bad
that was one bad movie. I hope you didn't study at some movie university or even paid for studying it because it is reeeaallly boring and bad done.
Ha haaaaaaaa!!! :lol:

I appreciate the feedback...

So you didn't like's all good! I still love the Bodomites!

you do know, the fact we didn't like, it doesn't make it a kvlt-film-that-can-only-be-appreciated-by-Bergman-like-fans...

it is just plain bad's all good.

Some people enjoyed it. Some said it wasn't a complete waste of time.

MOST didn't like it.

But I still thank you all for even bothereing!

And yes! I DO need to improve. And I shall! And some say that I already HAVE!

I will continue to give you all free streaming short films for your, um...enjoyment? :lol: