For Sale: 5150 (Pawn Shop Deluxe Model)

Matt Smith

Jun 11, 2004
Athens, GA
Sorry for the spam, but I figured I'd put this here in case any of you guys are interested before I throw it on evilBay. I'm selling the 5150 mark I head I bought in a pawn shop because I got a great deal on a brand new one when the 6505 came out, so I don't need two, and obviously I'm keeping the brand new one. Now, I know nothing about the history of this thing, or what on earth the previous owner was thinking when he did...whatever he did to the faceplate, etc. It looks retarded, there are a couple of knobs missing, etc., but it sounds killer. I put new tubes in it when I got it, and it crushes.

I recorded this short clip with it tonight as proof of its metal majesty. :rock:

Here's a picture; I can take more if needed.

$400 plus shipping anywhere in the continental U.S.

It sounds awesome. Actually I heard the sound clip in a different thread, then I find this here. I wouldn't be able to buy it now though.

Also, just wanted to say I just joined the forum, and I'm happy to be here. I'll try to keep on subject with later threads, and I'll hopefully talk to some good people here soon. Cheers!
Oops, I never posted an update on this; sorry...

I decided to hang onto the skank one and sell the new one instead. I could use the extra $$, and the old one sounds good enough where I don't think I'll miss the new one. So...anyone want to buy a more or less brand new one for $700 plus shipping? It's a signature model, and is a 5150 (not 5150 II or 6505). Reply here or e-mail (theocracy AT theocracymusic DOT com) if you're interested.

You can trust matt I bought the 50/50 mesa he used on the first cd :-) and it works well! so buy his stuff and support his drug habits :-D

(just kidding about the drugs for all you non humour guys)