For Sale: 5150 (Pawn Shop Special)

Matt Smith

Jun 11, 2004
Athens, GA
Sorry Andy and everyone else for the spam, but I figured I'd put this here in case any of you guys are interested before I throw it on evilBay. I'm selling the 5150 mark I head I bought in a pawn shop because I got a great deal on a brand new one when the 6505 came out, so I don't need two, and obviously I'm keeping the brand new one. Now, I know nothing about the history of this thing, or what on earth the previous owner was thinking when he did...whatever he did to the faceplate, etc. It looks retarded, there are a couple of knobs missing, etc., but it sounds killer. I put new tubes in it when I got it, and it crushes.

I recorded this short clip with it tonight as proof of its metal majesty. :rock:

Here's a picture; I can take more if needed.

$400 plus shipping anywhere in the U.S.
Hmm... I am tempted.

What is your zip? Perhaps you'd throw in free ship?

I'm 85251.

Do you know if it was a sig or a block letter?

I'm one of the few cats who really does not care about cosmetics whatsoever, so I might be interested in that behemoth.
What happened to the pic, Matt?

Enmity: I don't claim to be a 5150 expert, but MK1 to me would signify original 5150 - of which there was the ed signature, or the EVH block letter.

The MKII would be the 5150 II.

I'm not a cheap bastard, but I've seen "normal" non pawn shopped crack smoking DIY grille changing heads go for $550, so... I'm just trying to keep it relative.. and keep it real.

Nice clip btw, Matt.

free ship? sounds great. =)
Matt - I'm crashing for the night, but maybe give be dibs since I was the first cat to respond? Can I get you to send me some pics directly at my email address?

nate at jcm900 dot com


PS - what toobz did you put in?
EtherForBreakfast said:
What happened to the pic, Matt?

Enmity: I don't claim to be a 5150 expert, but MK1 to me would signify original 5150 - of which there was the ed signature, or the EVH block letter.

The MKII would be the 5150 II.

I'm not a cheap bastard, but I've seen "normal" non pawn shopped crack smoking DIY grille changing heads go for $550, so... I'm just trying to keep it relative.. and keep it real.

Nice clip btw, Matt.

free ship? sounds great. =)

MkI was always block letter to me, 5150 = 5150, 5150II = 5150II. But then again, I'm weird... Picture looks like a sig version to me. Doesn't really matter though since there aren't any differences between the signature and the block letter; its just a selling point. Same internals, just shipped with different tubes, but then again, if you still have the original tubes in your 5150, well... You might want to change them. :grin: Tonal differences between the two when equipped with identicle tubes are pretty much limited to there being differences between individual amps when they're put together.

From the pic looks like the 5150 is pure mojo. Reminds me of my beat up 5150, that I bought from some punk dude that took the amp on 3 or 4 tours.
Now to make myself look like a total tool...

I'm considering hanging onto the skank one and selling the new one instead. I really need the extra $$ (got laid off a couple of months ago), and the old one sounds good enough where I don't think I'll miss the new one. So...anyone want to buy a brand new one for $650 plus shipping? It's a signature model (so was the other one, sorry for the confusion). Ether still has first dibs, but after that it's first-come first-serve before eBay.
Sorry again for the SPAM and indecision, but this would probably be the smartest thing I guess. You can PM or e-mail me at theocracy(AT)theocracymusic(DOT)com if you're interested.

Thanks and more apologies,
I might be interested! do you have a picture? (I know how they sound :grin: )

EDIT, just saw the Private message thing... Oops. Sorry. well I don't want to bother you with that cause I don't want to say I want it and then back out.

EDIT again, oh hell I want it if ether doesn't I'm sending an email.
Matt - Go ahead and flip it. I think I'm going to get a single recto head instead.

$400 is a sweet deal on that thing, but since you've decided to keep the "pawn shop special" and sell the new one, just go ahead.

She's all yours (insert name here).
Andy Sneap said:
yknow I bet Peavey will supply a new outer case for not much if you ask them

$108. I just got one... If you want the grill assembly with logos as well, it is another $72.

Clip sounds killer...
