For the Diamond Bangers

Good job Six!! My compliments. :)

I spoke with him for about an hour and ten minutes, he just kept talking and talking.... Put Jon Oliva to shame. Obviously I can't keep everything so I trimmed it down a little....I'm gonna catch hell from Metal Blade as King was a strict schedule I was only allowed thirty minutes as I'm not a real journalist... Brave Words and a number of legit publication were on deck after me... They might have gotten bumped. When he realized the amount of time we took I cut him loose...
Great interview! Thanks for asking about not being accessible to fans anymore... what he says does make sense... although to be escorted into the backstage area by a bodyguard sends another message. I personally thought that he had gotten some death threats or something to that effect, because of his religious beliefs etc.
Thanks for asking about those damned DVDs!!!! I've been waiting!!!!!

The King D will be cool, but it's the Mercyful Fate I've got my eyes peeled for.