For the Diamond Head fans on here!

I don't know if I told youse this or not but a few days before I went on holiday I checked Diamond Head's site to see if they were playing any dates before the london gig in Nov. I couldn't believe it when I saw they were playing KING TUTS on 4th July. One of my fav bands playing in my fav venue but then realisation hit me hard and fast cos that was the week I was away on holiday. I was absolutely totally gutted that I missed them, fookin hell it still brings tears to my eyes thinking that they were in Glasgow and the Princess of NWOBHM wasn't there to welcome them.

Haven't forgotten about those my pics, hopefully get them on tonight. LOL Valanx the Saxon tshirt isn't really that distorted - it should be really but in the pics my boobs don't look that big at all. In fact you probably have bigger tits than me Valanx. In real life, they be big enough but in those photos, they've sort of disappeared - tis very strange!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
..... you probably have bigger tits than me Valanx.

Im gonna have real difficulty coming up with an answer for that !
valanx said:
Im gonna have real difficulty geting it up

That's quite enough of that sort of talk Valanx, I'm sure we all don't want to hear about your sexual inadequacies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hahahahahahaha you know I'm only joking.

Am I evil, yes I am :rock:
arrgghhh! You seem to have returned with a vengeance princeless !

ok perhaps i walked right into that one, although you did manipulate what i said to a certain extent.

What can i say..These are very stressfull times for the emperor, im in the midst of planning this wedding and my new deathstar is behind schedule as well ! Fear not though i will test fire it on Glasgow first chance i get

valanx said:
What can i say..These are very stressfull times for the emperor, im in the midst of planning this wedding and my new deathstar is behind schedule as well ! Fear not though i will test fire it on Glasgow first chance i get


LOL Listen emperor, I know that weddings are the most ultra stressful things ever but if you want to get totally de-stressed I thoroughly recommend sticking on DIAMOND HEAD, it really works, chills you out, completely de-stresses you and puts you in a great mood. I'm listening to Lightning to the Nations right now and I'm in an excellent mood, up for anything!!!!!

Talking of weddings, when is your big day, and have you picked your fav rock songs to get married to...........oh hang on I feel a new thread coming on!!!!!
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
Talking of weddings, when is your big day, and have you picked your fav rock songs to get married to...........oh hang on I feel a new thread coming on!!!!!

Its 18th of August, and the songs are becoming very difficult to pick! There will be Saxon and Priest no matter what though...

Maybe...Just maybe i will take your Diamond Headed advice and listen to some, im up for any form of stress relief right now (no! no! you know what i meant!!!)
18th of August you say Emperor Valanx - OMG that's exactly a month from now you will be a married man. What can I say Emperor apart from what I say to everyone who takes the plunge:-

I HOPE THAT ALL YOUR UPS AND DOWNS WILL BE IN BED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
valanx said:
im up for any form of stress relief right now (no! no! you know what i meant!!!)

Yes I know exactly what you meant Emperor - it doesn't seem to matter what subject you're discussing, you always seem to bring the conversation round to your private parts. Tut tut it's shocking Emperor, I hope once you're married you will quit all this smutty talk cos we are all fed up with you shoving it in our faces almost daily!!!!!!! LOL LOL LOL
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
18th of August you say Emperor Valanx - OMG that's exactly a month from now you will be a married man. What can I say Emperor apart from what I say to everyone who takes the plunge:-

I HOPE THAT ALL YOUR UPS AND DOWNS WILL BE IN BED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

haha thanks! I hope so too.... I guess my private parts as you pointed out need to be shoved elsewhere anyway lol