For The Fallen Dreams - New Beginnings (Cover and RAWs for mixing)

Hey, this cover rocks! :headbang:

Here's what I've done with it:

Edited the guitars to make them tighter (including some pitch editing as well), reamped them. The bass is MM Bass. And the drums are a mix of Terry Date cymbals, TMKD kick and a custom snare.
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Thanks a lot! I have a small problem with the drum midi though, it's weirdly playing a lot of notes at the same time. Any chance for fixing it? - FTFD - PTB GTRS - BETA1.mp3?dl=0

Spent a day or so mixing this! =D

MASSIVE shout out to PHIL THE BEARD from Sonic Assault Studios for the reamps! The guitar tone he got for me brought the mix to a whole different level....!!!!

Anyone looking for the sickest tones for your projects, hit Phil up! His prices, turn around time and most importantly QUALITY is second to none. Best guitar tone dude in the game right now!
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My try.

Guitar : Engl Powerball + Marshall Cab
Mic : Royer 121 and Shure SM57
MicPre : Chandler Limited TG-2 and Chandler Limited Germanium Pre

Crunch Studio provides mixing and reamping service for metal. Feel free to contact me!

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Awesome cover. I wish the guitars were tuned a little better in spots but overall well done. Normally I would have reamped thru my XXX but just got Ben Bruce amp sim and wanted to give it a test run.

heres my attempt
Used Bias for guitars and bass (used bass midi through zombass first)
Drums were superior drummer 2 (combo parts from metal machine and metal foundry)
All criticism and compliments welcomed as I've found myself mixing and (attempted) mastering less lately