For the guys that work as pro AE - clean tones


May 9, 2006
So, I see most people these days are using amp simulators instead of real amps to record clean stuff. I still do use amps, but I feel more and more that it is not worth the hassle and i am considering starting to try simulators. Even the clients usually dont want to spend time to find cool clean tones. What do you guys like Ermz, Lasse, Greg, Erik, James, Jeff, i mean, any guys that have it not only as a hobby, do with your clean tones ?

Even for cleans, I still prefer a real amp....Vox and Fender being my favorites. However, I will still use a POD XT or amp sim for them. If I had an Axe-Fx I would use that probably exclusively for cleans

In general through, I prefer to add most of the effects after reamping the cleans.
Really, Pod Farm or Guitar Rig for amp sims. Turn the cabs off and send it through Recabinet, and you're set!

Or, real amps..
I would say that is most dependent on the guitar player in question, and the way the guitar was played.

For example, I recently worked on a project where a performer was finger-picking clean electric guitar. His technique was far from refined, and he was FAR too dynamic for the particular song he was playing. We had his Fender Deluxe Reverb here and he was tracking through it. Every time he would pluck either the E or A strings, the built in speaker was farting like a redneck after an all-you-can-eat bean buffet. I realized I should start tracking DIs at this point. If I didn't I would have been really screwed.

What it came down to, is that I had to go through the DIs, eq out specific resonances that were caused by his playing (which I actually got him to change for the better during tracking), but it still wasn't enough. I ended up using a pretty awesome vibey-sounding Revalver patch I made with a Ribbon Mic Impulse.

When I showed him a rough mix he said, "The guitar tone is so warm and analog-y. This is why you should get a Deluxe Reverb for your collection." ;)

Anyhow, 5150 III, Baron XTC, Baron K2, as well as the JVM are my go-to clean amps for recordings. The Barons have the best clean out of any channel switcher I have ever heard.

If I had to buy a dedicated clean amp, I would go for an AC30 or perhaps a sort of Rivera. Those Riveras have mighty good clean tones.

Also, to the OP, I am honored to be lumped into a group of "professionals" here. I can only hope to one day do this for a living.
I often use PodFarm these days for clean stuff, but every now and then it just doesn't do it for me/the band and I turn to a JCM 900. I think if you're after a really bright clean tone, a tube amp will get you there a little smoother than the amp sims. If it's a darker, more neutral clean tone, PodFarm is usually fine.
Fender amps are great too.
amp sims like pod farm or amplitube fender usually sound better to me than pretty much any amp through a 4x12.... just don't dig that closed back v30 sound for clean tones...

combos are where it's at for cleans if you're going to use real amps... fender twin reverb, roland jc120, etc.

I think software sims can get great sounds though, and they're obviously more convenient for recording... but I'd be willing to compromise live and just use the clean channel on the amp (like on the evh 5150 III) through the 4x12... could sound so much better through a different cab/speakers though

I prefer single coil pickups for cleans... really dig the sound of the emg single coils