For the TSO fans on the forum...


Madness Reigns
Mar 23, 2006
The following link to a Paul O'Neill interview was posted over on the TSO Yahoo! d-group:

Here's an update from Paul on Nightcastle:

I got a call yesterday from somebody at Atlantic [Records, asking], "Paul when are you going to turn 'Night Castle' in?" I said, "Soon. Really soon." They said, "Paul, Jesus is coming back soon. If you don't mind, we'd like the album one week earlier."

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Did anyone else read this? The thing that caught my eye is that he said they have the next SEVEN albums written, and 2 Broadways ready to go and financed.

I'll probably have grandchildren (I'm 21) by the time the seventh album comes out. I hope O'Neil's has something fresh in store thgouh. The last Christmas album felt really stale - after listening to it you felt O'Neil had no magic left in his bag.