TSO Pre-sale Tickets


24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface
As a fellow TSO fan, I'm going to take this opportunity to bitch a little. I logged on to the TSO fan page this morning to buy tickets to December's Knoxville show. Much to my surprise the tickets cost $60.00 each for seats in the 20th row! Needless to say, I removed the tickets from my cart and said thanks, but no thanks. I've seen this band twice and refuse to pay anymore than I already have to see the same show every year.

With that said, my message to Paul O'Neill and company, you're nuts if you think I'm paying $60.00 per ticket before any taxes are added on. :OMG: In my opinion, Paul O'Neill needs to see to it that Nightcastles is released before he starts drawing Social Security. In addition, he needs to actually come through doing an all out Beethoven tour. :rolleyes:

Actually for the amount of show and talent they have on stage that's pretty cheap compared to other concerts. You pay that much or more to see 5 guys on stage... TSO has 20 plus musicians/singers...the lighting rig and pyro...all that stuff is not cheap...
Those are for the floor seats. I paid $57 each for three tickets (SkiBumMSP, my SO and I) to see them in Richmond, VA. The regular tickets in the stands will probably be $30-$40 each. But to get the "exclusive fan club" floor seats you will pay more. Their site even said that these are expensive but the "best seats in the house".

I have never seen them, so I'll cough up a little bit extra to see them as close as possible.

It took me 45 minutes to get the tickets, as their website was bombarded with requests all at once. It took down the site for a short time.

But I agree, these are kinda expensive. I paid $80 to see Rush a couple of months ago, so these are a 'bargain' in comparison.
Actually for the amount of show and talent they have on stage that's pretty cheap compared to other concerts. You pay that much or more to see 5 guys on stage... TSO has 20 plus musicians/singers...the lighting rig and pyro...all that stuff is not cheap...

Azrael, I realize all of that, but these have been highly successful tours for the last five years. After seeing them twice, I'm simply opting not to pay out that much. To each his own, but O'Neill needs to freshen things up a bit with the tour in my opinion. I feel like them doing the tour every year takes away from actually releasing more material and following through with the proposed "non-seasonal" tour. No doubt it's a money making machine and he (O'Neill) is going to milk it for everything it's worth. I can't say that I blame him, but TSO has become "blah" to me.

If the show underwent significant change, it would be worth it, but basically, it is the same show they have performed for many years now of which I have seen at least a half dozen times. At 60.00 prices, it just is not worth it to me anymore. Come to thing of it, neither was it last year.
If the show underwent significant change, it would be worth it, but basically, it is the same show they have performed for many years now of which I have seen at least a half dozen times. At 60.00 prices, it just is not worth it to me anymore. Come to thing of it, neither was it last year.

I'm going again for the first time in 3 years. I stopped once they moved from the 5,000 seat arena to the 20,000 seat arena. However, I used the site and got 3rd row tickets (took 20 minutes), so I'm satisfied.

As for the repetitive show, you have to understand that this isn't a concert per se; this is a Christmas event to many people. These are people that have never heard of Savatage, but enjoy the Xmas tradition. I agree with you, and I am waiting (ever waiting) for a Beethoven's Last Night / Nightcastle tour that will never happen. However, I understand what I'm getting in the Xmas show.

Steve in Philly
I'm with most everyone else here -- this is an event, not just a show. Its sort of like going to see the same X-Mas lights in the same neighborhood every year.... you know its the same, but it awesome as well.

TSO is more of a tradition -- moreso than just a concert. Perhaps, something to celebrate every year in the holiday tradition dedicated to "our" music.

I think its well worth the $60 I paid for my tickets ......... as someone said, Rush tickets here in RI were around $85, so I think its still a bargain.
However, I understand what I'm getting in the Xmas show. Steve in Philly

Well, so do I and there lies the problem for me these days. Two years ago I was getting bored during the show. Aside from last year, there was only one other year I missed (well, think we can count this year as three).

For a time I understood the repetitive show as crowds grew, with many coming who had never seen the show. There was growth to the show as TSO grew, but they really have stagnated and at this point in their x-mas career, I truly believe it is time to change up the show a good bit...to add to or alter the story line presented to date....maybe delving into the other story lines some.

There really is so much more they can do to the show instead of just adding more lights and pyro.

Actually for the amount of show and talent they have on stage that's pretty cheap compared to other concerts. You pay that much or more to see 5 guys on stage... TSO has 20 plus musicians/singers...the lighting rig and pyro...all that stuff is not cheap...

Oh, and it's not so much the cost of the show, as $60.00 is not bad for the show presented...more along the lines of how many more times do I want to pay 60.00 for the same show.

Certainly would not pay $85.00 a year to see Rush perform the same show year in and year out, nor anyone else be it $85.00 or $20.00.

All said, it is a great show, that needs some significant change before I will go see it again.
I'm going again for the first time in 3 years. I stopped once they moved from the 5,000 seat arena to the 20,000 seat arena. However, I used the site and got 3rd row tickets (took 20 minutes), so I'm satisfied.

Steve in Philly

It took me about 20 minutes also and I got 8th row tickets. If this is the new ticketing system that Live Nation is going to use once their Ticketmaster contract ends, I see nothing but problems for them.
Much to my surprise the tickets cost $60.00 each for seats in the 20th row! Needless to say, I removed the tickets from my cart and said thanks, but no thanks.

Oh, I happily paid the $60 -- for two different shows! I think the ticket price is very reasonable for a 2 1/2 hour show, especially considering the cost of gas these days...and the fact that the light show this year is supposedly even bigger and better!

The one thing that did irk me was the $14-15 combined order fee and "convenience" charge for each ticket. I'm not sure I've ever paid that much with TicketBastard. :mad:

I know that many folks would like more variety to the show, but you know that as soon as they change the setlist, there will be even MORE people complaining that they want the old show back. :lol: