As a fellow TSO fan, I'm going to take this opportunity to bitch a little. I logged on to the TSO fan page this morning to buy tickets to December's Knoxville show. Much to my surprise the tickets cost $60.00 each for seats in the 20th row! Needless to say, I removed the tickets from my cart and said thanks, but no thanks. I've seen this band twice and refuse to pay anymore than I already have to see the same show every year.
With that said, my message to Paul O'Neill and company, you're nuts if you think I'm paying $60.00 per ticket before any taxes are added on.
In my opinion, Paul O'Neill needs to see to it that Nightcastles is released before he starts drawing Social Security. In addition, he needs to actually come through doing an all out Beethoven tour.
With that said, my message to Paul O'Neill and company, you're nuts if you think I'm paying $60.00 per ticket before any taxes are added on.
