For the Unmarried

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Do you ever see yourself living the "Leave it to Beaver" lifestyle? Often I dream of being middle aged with a wholesome meat loaf baking wife in the kitchen, a couple kids in the backyard playing catch, and a green lawn in which I can fertilize with compost from the peels of devoured banana's. For the people on this forum who have that lifestyle. Is it as good as it appears? I want to coach my son's little league team damnit. :cry:
I will never be a meatloaf cooking wife
who wears an apron all day in the kitchen ....

I will be, however, the type who drinks a lot of wine
and cooks only fusion type foods, and living the yuppie
life to the fullest.
fuck the suberbs, give us the city life I say.

oh and hi Jerry.... :loco:
I think I'd rather have my own life than try to emulate some kind of antiquated imperative that would most likely never fucking work and wouldn't be that desirable anyhow.
id only like to be like a 50s sitcom for the sake of being incredibly creepy. in reality, though, this shit just doesnt happen. with the exception of mine, every american household has two working parents, the children are raised in daycare, and no one is happy. my advice? plan your life around having a spouse (or you) who wants to raise your children and not work outside of the home until the kids go to school. also, get a job that pays you enough to live the lifestyle you want and still be able to coach your sons (or daughters) soccer team. having a child absolutely rules everything else. if you have the means, i highly recommend picking one up [/ferrisbueller]
Dead_Lioness said:
I will never be a meatloaf cooking wife
who wears an apron all day in the kitchen ....

I will be, however, the type who drinks a lot of wine
and cooks only fusion type foods, and living the yuppie
life to the fullest.
fuck the suberbs, give us the city life I say.

oh and hi Jerry.... :loco:

dorian gray said:
id only like to be like a 50s sitcom for the sake of being incredibly creepy. in reality, though, this shit just doesnt happen. with the exception of mine, every american household has two working parents, the children are raised in daycare, and no one is happy. my advice? plan your life around having a spouse (or you) who wants to raise your children and not work outside of the home until the kids go to school. also, get a job that pays you enough to live the lifestyle you want and still be able to coach your sons (or daughters) soccer team. having a child absolutely rules everything else. if you have the means, i highly recommend picking one up [/ferrisbueller]

I agree with this somewhat, it does help if you have your parents or your spouse's parents around to help out with the kid now and then.

It is definetelly settling down time for me ...
I'm married, but our marriage isn't the norm. It's hard to know what to attribute that to. We both pretty much do as we please, but we're always very respectful of each other. Hell, I can't remember the last time we actually raised our voices to each other. I think being DINKs has a lot to do with it. Most of the things married couples fight about are money or the kids.
