For the Unmarried

Nate The Great said:
Since we live in the middle of a pasture (basically), our dog doesn't meet very many new people. But when she does she runs up to them and tinkles on the ground because she's so worried about being friends.

I was hoping for a guard dog, but the only thing she likes to bark at are cows and invisible things on the ceiling.

Oh . . . and I just spent $178 on a vet bill for her, because she was gagging every time she ate. She basically stopped eating. Anyway, it turns out she had just aggravated her stomach and esophogus with something. She's almost all better now.

After that tramatic experience, I spent $72 on toys for her. Since she's not allowed to chew on (and swallow) real bones she finds any more.
cool. if i were a dog, i'd probably love to live on a farm like yours and get to run around a lot like that.
Erik said:
i'm letting my dog shit on public property if it's just a big fucken patch of grass that noone is going to walk on anyway

IMO, it really depends.

Is this "big patch of grass" a public park? Or just a random field in the middle of nowhere? big difference
well for me to answer that question properly you need to know how the common swedish residential area looks, i don't think most places in the US are much like that

there are lots of small patches of grass and trees scattered around that can't really be called "parks", nor are they "fields", but every area has a lot of green shit to make it look pleasant or whatnot
My dog won't shit within 100 meters of a human. She gets stage fright. The two times she's had to stay overnight at the vet she held it in the whole time. When we got her home (a 45 minute drive), she jumps out of my pickup and sprints for about 100 meters then lets loose. If I got close enough I bet she was whimpering with joy.

Erik: Certain breeds of dogs REALLY need lots of space to roam and stuff, and my dog LOVES having all that space. I can't imagine what she'd do if she was confined. She does like to come in on cold nights and sleep on my lap while I watch TV of read . . . even though she's quite tall and weighs 55 pounds.
Thanatopsis123 said:
Remember to spay and neuter your pets. [/BobBarker]

And yourselves you dirty animals. [/me]
hahaha, nice.

I'd like a wife and some runts eventually, and my only "rule" is that until they go to school, one of us will be an at-home parent.

Dark One said:
I just look at it as "off the beaten path" and not right next to the path. Preferably in the middle of nowhere, but as long as it's not right next to where people usually mull I'm ok with it.

I know, but in my typically NYC-centric view of the world, I'm envisioning people letting their dogs shit in the middle of the Great Lawn in Central Park. Homie don't play that. :)
MadeInNewJersey said:
I know, but in my typically NYC-centric view of the world, I'm envisioning people letting their dogs shit in the middle of the Great Lawn in Central Park. Homie don't play that. :)

Yeah, that's a little different I guess. Obviously it happens all the time I'm sure, but people who want to live in Manhattan AND own a dog really need to learn to pick it up. Otherwise, you're a jackass, plain and simple.