For the Unmarried

Erik said:
well for me to answer that question properly you need to know how the common swedish residential area looks, i don't think most places in the US are much like that

there are lots of small patches of grass and trees scattered around that can't really be called "parks", nor are they "fields", but every area has a lot of green shit to make it look pleasant or whatnot

yep and you get kids playing on them they kick a ball
runs over dog shit, kick it again it hits another kid in the face
small amount of dog shit in eye = blind kid, or worse= dead kid

I've seen (and shouted at) people who've left dog shit behind in kids playgrounds.

dogshit on pavements
inconsiderate fuckers!
ever tried cleaning that off a pushchair wheel?
I think bigcityfolk are too weird about dog shit. OH NOES I ALMOST STEPPED IN POOP MY LIFE IS OVVVVVEEEEEERRRRR!!!!!!!!!!1111111

But on the other hand when you have 90,000 people per 3 square feet, I guess it could get pretty disgusting.
NADatar said:
I think bigcityfolk are too weird about dog shit. OH NOES I ALMOST STEPPED IN POOP MY LIFE IS OVVVVVEEEEEERRRRR!!!!!!!!!!1111111

But on the other hand when you have 90,000 people per 3 square feet, I guess it could get pretty disgusting.

hahahaha okay.

I like when someone reads the first half of my post, disagrees with it, and then ignores the rest even though I clearly presented a counterargument to my own point.

I like how this evolved into a hardcore dog shit discussion by the way. It's almost related to the original topic even!
Hey so has anyone ever watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail while really stoned? I'm telling you, there is NOTHING funnier than that.

One time I replayed the "LOOK!!!" *attack bunny* part like 50 times, and the only reason I stopped was because I fell off the couch in a fit of hysterics and couldn't get the remote to function any longer. Good times.
MadeInNewJersey said:
I fail to see the relation between the 2. I'm not eating my dog.

but youre talking about someone abusing thier own dog/animal, not yours
why would you get upset about that and not care about someone smashing a pigs head on the ground, I'm not having a go, it just sounds hypocritical

and ' yes but dogs have personality..' answers will not be accepted .
dogfighting has been on the rise over here lately
the scum that do this are fucking abhorant
theres money in it of course
you'd think it was bad enough that they taunt beat the fighting dogs till theyre insane
but they also steal small dogs from peoples gardens and from parks etc to 'train' thier dogs on

if someone stole my dog for this I would seriously consider murder
unhinged said:
but youre talking about someone abusing thier own dog/animal, not yours
why would you get upset about that and not care about someone smashing a pigs head on the ground, I'm not having a go, it just sounds hypocritical

Someone who has a dog or cat for a PET and doesn't take care of that animal? = ASSHOLE

Someone who raises a pig to be slaughtered for food = I DON'T GIVE A FUCK

That ought to clarify, and no, I don't see 1% of hypocrisy in it. :)