For the Unmarried

unhinged said:
theres a lot moreshouting when theres kids
more stress, less money=even more stress

same deal with dogs. why the fuck do people get multiple dogs if they aren't really into dogs. The ones here have literally led me to hate the whole species, and I used to love them!
Erik said:
unhinged you are my hero as far as the older folk on this forum go


I have a very full and stressful life
picked a bad time to be a dad but I reckon I'm a good one
a broke and greying shambolic one, but a good one
the thing to remember is there are sacrifices to be made

I've pretty much given up going out, having a social life etc in favor of using any time I have for my music and my art

but its rewarding too,
and my son likes cool stuff

how many 9 yr olds can say they went to see motorhead live when thet were 7?:kickass:
My parents, for example. We just have shitty dogs I guess... all they do is create problems, inconveniences, and multiple expenses that would be completely nonexistent if there were no dogs.

I guess it's because they like to go on vacation for weeks at a time and leave my brother and I home to take care of those beasts (aka we can't leave the house or even spend 2 hours alone in our rooms because one of them is a puppy and the other one is always getting surgery).
i love dogs!

i hate when people don't take care of their dogs properly. there's someone, a relative to a relative, that has a dog that's basically a nervous wreck and it's so heartbreaking because you can tell he's such a really nice, lovable dog but they just don't know how to deal with him so he gets super nervous and really stressed out when he's around lots of people, especially people he doesn't know. but he loves me!
My wife and I have some similar interests, but we have interests that the other one doesn't share as well. I don't like those couples that practically shut out the outside world because they're so into each other.

Just make sure you marry somebody that accepts your weirdness. Probably everybody on this board is pretty weird in one way or another (as compared to the rest of society), and finding somebody that won't tell you your music sucks, your hair's too long, your clothes are too ugly, or your porn is too freaky is hard . . . but important.
Erik said:
i love dogs!

i hate when people don't take care of their dogs properly. there's someone, a relative to a relative, that has a dog that's basically a nervous wreck and it's so heartbreaking because you can tell he's such a really nice, lovable dog but they just don't know how to deal with him so he gets super nervous and really stressed out when he's around lots of people, especially people he doesn't know. but he loves me!

Since we live in the middle of a pasture (basically), our dog doesn't meet very many new people. But when she does she runs up to them and tinkles on the ground because she's so worried about being friends.

I was hoping for a guard dog, but the only thing she likes to bark at are cows and invisible things on the ceiling.

Oh . . . and I just spent $178 on a vet bill for her, because she was gagging every time she ate. She basically stopped eating. Anyway, it turns out she had just aggravated her stomach and esophogus with something. She's almost all better now.

After that tramatic experience, I spent $72 on toys for her. Since she's not allowed to chew on (and swallow) real bones she finds any more.
MFJ said:
My parents, for example. We just have shitty dogs I guess... all they do is create problems, inconveniences, and multiple expenses that would be completely nonexistent if there were no dogs.

I guess it's because they like to go on vacation for weeks at a time and leave my brother and I home to take care of those beasts (aka we can't leave the house or even spend 2 hours alone in our rooms because one of them is a puppy and the other one is always getting surgery).

I hate to tell you this, but there aren't any "shitty" dogs
just shitty owners.

Erik said:
i hate when people don't take care of their dogs properly.

Two things I absolutely abfuckinghor:

People who let their dog shit anywhere they want to and just leave it there. It always "magically" appears late evening or early morning. Those people know exactly what they're doing.

People who leave their dogs outside for outrageous periods of time, particularly when they won't stop barking. One person around here has been cited numerous times and STILL let's it continue to happen. If you don't want your dog around, DON'T OWN ONE!
Dark One said:
Two things I absolutely abfuckinghor:

People who let their dog shit anywhere they want to and just leave it there. It always "magically" appears late evening or early morning. Those people know exactly what they're doing.

People who leave their dogs outside for outrageous periods of time, particularly when they won't stop barking. One person around here has been cited numerous times and STILL let's it continue to happen. If you don't want your dog around, DON'T OWN ONE!

AGREED 100%.
Dark One: Jesus Christ! What the fuck is up with that avatar?

Why is everybody putting weird ass pictures of weird ass people in their avatars? Weird ass looking people freak me out.
Dark One said:
Two things I absolutely abfuckinghor:

People who let their dog shit anywhere they want to and just leave it there. It always "magically" appears late evening or early morning. Those people know exactly what they're doing.

i'm sorry but i used to do that all the time... i can't be arsed to pick up poo every time and well... i didn't let her shit ANYWHERE, only where it really shouldn't bother people (i.e. not on roads or in people's gardens)... that's not bad for the dog though, believe me, we took good care of the family dog and she's very happy!

so basically if you don't want to tread in dog doo don't go walkin' around östermalm, umeå, sweden :lol: