For the Unmarried

MadeInNewJersey said:
Like, a feline?

Or "cat" as in slang vernacular for "dude," in this case, "burglar."

I have no idea what you're talking about. I live in Kansas; we don't use hip words like "cat" when talking about a "dude" or a "burglar". A cat is a fury little animal with claws and sharp teeth. They purr and think they're your master, instead of the other way around.
Nate The Great said:
I have no idea what you're talking about. I live in Kansas; we don't use hip words like "cat" when talking about a "dude" or a "burglar". A cat is a fury little animal with claws and sharp teeth. They purr and think they're your master, instead of the other way around.

greatest fucking animal ever!
Nate The Great said:
I have no idea what you're talking about. I live in Kansas; we don't use hip words like "cat" when talking about a "dude" or a "burglar". A cat is a fury little animal with claws and sharp teeth. They purr and think they're your master, instead of the other way around.

:lol: I don't know why I found this so funny.
:lol: at the whole "cat" thing. That fucking owned.

Cats >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> x 99999999999999999999 Dogs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Humans

I think it's also pretty interesting how whether you prefer dogs or cats reflects your personality to some extent. I'm an obsessive-compulsive organized, perfectionist type dude. I also love the hell out of myself, somewhat selfish, arrogant though generally nice to people. AKA I act a lot more like a cat than a dog.

For dog people, well, you have NAD.:p
DOGS > x infinity > cats

I mean, seriously.

Though I'm not surprised at some of the responses in this forum. Cat owners = introverts, by and large, i.e. people who are 100% uncomfortable in actual society.

Dog owners = the exact opposite.
MadeInNewJersey said:
DOGS > x infinity > cats

I mean, seriously.

Though I'm not surprised at some of the responses in this forum. Cat owners = introverts, by and large, i.e. people who are 100% uncomfortable in actual society.

Dog owners = the exact opposite.

WTF are you talking about? :lol:
I was about to say Nate just owned this thread, but I think Opeth17 did.

I love cats, cats are fucking great. But cats are like humans, in that they are awesome at times and a royal pain in the ass at others. Dogs are 100% awesome all the time, they never waver.
Since we're speaking in sweeping generalizations, I'd like to say that I think dog lovers (I would say owners, but there are lots of "owners" of certain animals that aren't dog/cat/whatever people, so there is a distinction) have more fun at life than cat people.

Like Opeth17 said above, he'd rather clean his bookshelf and tidy up the bathroom rather than go and get drunk and rowdy with 'gugs, Nate, and myself at a bar. And Krigloch would rather sit in his basement playing Dungeons and Bullshit instead of touch a boob.
yeah, cat people seem to be more homebound than dog owners.
but they do say, that the owners are always like their pets
NADatar said:
Since we're speaking in sweeping generalizations, I'd like to say that I think dog lovers (I would say owners, but there are lots of "owners" of certain animals that aren't dog/cat/whatever people, so there is a distinction) have more fun at life than cat people.

Like Opeth17 said above, he'd rather clean his bookshelf and tidy up the bathroom rather than go and get drunk and rowdy with 'gugs, Nate, and myself at a bar. And Krigloch would rather sit in his basement playing Dungeons and Bullshit instead of touch a boob.

Dude! That was ALMOST a Gugsian post in its insult level! I love you for it!

Doesn't hurt that it sums up EXACTLY what I was talking about re: dog vs. cat owners.
Yeah, I mean, it depends on how you define fun. Not that I want to get all serious and stuff, but I think going out and partying/getting drunk, hanging out/having a night on the town is all a pretty good waste of time. I'm comfortable around other people, I just generally don't like them and my idea of fun is spending time with me, because I fucking rule.:lol: Honestly, I'd rather stay home and read or something than go hang out with people, gay as that may seem. I'm pretty much the happiest guy on earth.

Oh, and I don't actually set aside time to go clean stuff, fuck that. I just follow the simple rule of "put shit back where it came from" and that pretty much works as far as being totally organized is concerned.:)
Opeth17 said:
Yeah, I mean, it depends on how you define fun. Not that I want to get all serious and stuff, but I think going out and partying/getting drunk, hanging out/having a night on the town is all a pretty good waste of time. I'm comfortable around other people, I just generally don't like them and my idea of fun is spending time with me, because I fucking rule.:lol: Honestly, I'd rather stay home and read or something than go hang out with people, gay as that may seem. I'm pretty much the happiest guy on earth.


Thanks for just proving my point.
Cats >>>>>>>>>>>>>Dogs

You don't walk down the street and get chased by a rabid feline. Nor do you have pipsqueak ones bark at your heels. They just want to be left alone. Not show the neighborhood how big their dick is. :dopey:

P.S Opeth17 owns this thread.