For the Unmarried

Reign in Acai said:
Cats >>>>>>>>>>>>>Dogs

You don't walk down the street and get chased by a rabid feline. Nor do you have pipsqueak ones bark at your heels. They just want to be left alone. Not show the neighborhood how big their dick is. :dopey:

P.S Opeth17 owns this thread.

You're wrong.

Hey Nate & Mark

NADatar said:
And Krigloch would rather sit in his basement playing Dungeons and Bullshit instead of touch a boob.

am i too late to get in this one? if not, i say that ownership and maintenance of an animal is downright disgusting. cats, dogs, birds, whatever. they are all dirty fucking beasts that harbor disease.

related story: i had this patient recently who got scratched by a dog in the eye. he eventually got discharged from the hospital but not before being on a ventilator and continuous dialysis, having a drain put in his eye, and being put on such powerful blood pressure medications that he will lose most of his fingers, toes, and penis. good times there.
dorian gray said:

am i too late to get in this one? if not, i say that ownership and maintenance of an animal is downright disgusting. cats, dogs, birds, whatever. they are all dirty fucking beasts that harbor disease.

related story: i had this patient recently who got scratched by a dog in the eye. he eventually got discharged from the hospital but not before being on a ventilator and continuous dialysis, having a drain put in his eye, and being put on such powerful blood pressure medications that he will lose most of his fingers, toes, and penis. good times there.

Yeah, cuz that's such a regular occurence. :Smug:
haha you dont know anything about it. i see shit like that alot. my point was the dude got scratched in the eye by a dog and nearly died. at the least, he's losing his fingers toes and penis and hes 25 years old. from a fucking dog scratch.
dorian gray said:
haha you dont know anything about it. i see shit like that alot. my point was the dude got scratched in the eye by a dog and nearly died. at the least, he's losing his fingers toes and penis and hes 25 years old. from a fucking dog scratch.

I know enough that it isn't every frickin day that some dude goes down from a godamn dog scratch!! lol He should have kept his dog more clean....fucker. :heh:
haha are you an avid reader of New England Journal of Medicine or something?
anyway, its a FACT that animals carry disease. this is something we all learned in grade school man. dogs, even nice pretty house bound ones EAT SHIT AND LICK OTHER DOGS BUTTHOLES. cats WALK IN THEIR OWN POOP. im not saying animals are any dirtier than humans, just that the odds of getting bit or scratched by another person pale in comparison to those of a housecat digging their claws in.
Dude, you live in a bubble for the rest of your life. But I won't. :)

We, as a species, are turning into a bunch of fucking fags. We are going to evolve into weak immuned, brittle boned, housewives before we know it.
dorian gray said:
haha are you an avid reader of New England Journal of Medicine or something?
anyway, its a FACT that animals carry disease. this is something we all learned in grade school man. dogs, even nice pretty house bound ones EAT SHIT AND LICK OTHER DOGS BUTTHOLES. cats WALK IN THEIR OWN POOP. im not saying animals are any dirtier than humans, just that the odds of getting bit or scratched by another person pale in comparison to those of a housecat digging their claws in.

Dogs and cats really arn't that fucking disgustingly dirty like you're making it seem.
Dogs may carry many pathogens, but only a certain percentage are transmittable to humans. In cats, that percentage is actually higher, though still lower than what a human can give another person. Put it this way, if some dude scratched you with his own shit on his nails, you're chances of getting something fucking nasty would be MUCH higher than from a dog or a cat.
cant be assed to read the whole thread.

i'm married, living in the 'burbs, with the nice house and pets. things around my house are hardly "leave it to beaver" ish. no kids, we both work 45+ hours a week, rarely see eachother, but we're comfortable where we're at right now. kids are a ways off at the moment.

i actually do want the "normal" lifestyle. id love to have a boy and coach little league, support the fam financially, and be a hellfire cult metal elitist by night. but that's just me.

truly id lke to move far away from any city or burb and live out my days living the simple life, because cities are a cancer and yuppies are insects.
Necromunchkin said:
Put it this way, if some dude scratched you with his own shit on his nails, your chances of getting something fucking nasty would be MUCH higher than from a dog or a cat.
dude, thats exactly what i said. but people get scratched or bitten by animals far more often than they do by other humans.

and lol @ lizzuuurd. turn off the blackberry dude!!!