For the Unmarried

Doomcifer said:
I disagree.

Just because we live longer doesnt mean that we are more "fit, healthy, etc"
i didnt say anything about living longer. i see your point though. but in general species dont evolve in reverse. i doubt we are getting more brittle bones, weaker immune systems, etc. anyone here an evolutionary scientist? we could use some input.
what are you guys talking about with the pansy stuff?
so all the europeans snuffed out by the bubonic plague somehow had better immune systems than we do now?
dorian gray said:
i didnt say anything about living longer. i see your point though. but in general species dont evolve in reverse. i doubt we are getting more brittle bones, weaker immune systems, etc. anyone here an evolutionary scientist? we could use some input.

It's called de-evolution. I believe it has to do with MANY factors. Technology bringing about all these medicines and aides having our immune systems no need to be extra-resilient, all these safety-precautions etc will have us de-evolve into brittle bone pasnies imho, all the welfare mongering "earn-a-buck-for-a-kid" mofos reproducing at an alarming rate while the more intelligent and abled people are reproducing less, etc, etc... This is superseded and double-folded on top of our capitalistic socieities being all ape-shit on consumption. We are consuming ourselves int othe fucking ground. Mother Nature will only take so much before she washes us all out.
Doomcifer said:
It's called de-evolution.
im pretty well-read in the sciences and i dont think there is such a thing but i see your points, especially with the whole "diluting of the gene pool" thing. im not gonna say anything else about evolution because i think we are both getting in over our heads but i *would* like to know what you and krigloch are talking about with the pansy stuff. as in, what makes you think that? where do you see our species going? what evidence do you have that makes you think we are de-evolving? etc.

Seems like I'm screwed, it was nice knowing y'all