For the win! San diego pop punk final mix's


Apr 6, 2011
So this project has taken quite a bit but the band wanted a very specific sound and they are more the stoked with the final product, They wanted the most in your face mix possible so i tried and delivered that as much as possible. After i mixed the album to my tastes i sat down with the band and we tweaked until there hearts were content.

Anyways here it is please listen in 720-1080p.



Let me know what think thanks!
Thanks guys! Zakky, I completely agree on the vocals but every time i tried turning them up the singer wanted them turned back down so thats were they stayed. Theres somethings i would change but overall i'm content with the mix!
a bit too 'metal' sounding maybe, i'd drop the gain on those guitars and maybe choose some more neutral drum samples. otherwise a killer mix, even in 360p!
snare and kick are very upfront, which makes the mix brutal sounding. thouhg im not sure if its the right choice for that kind of music.
to me pop punk always sounded great because of their huge basses. id bring up the bassguitar especially the 160 hz region.
to bring a little of the warmth of clas green day mixes for example in your mix... but if the band loves it like that, its all good !
Yea they didn't want a traditional pop-punk mix, I tried a run of the mix with more of a rock vibe and they just wanted more kick snare brutality so i just exaggerated that until they were happy! DCB the bass was a tough one as i ran it through a really saturated guitar amp. So its pretty loud just not what i would picture as a traditional bass sound. Thanks for all the comments!