For Those Miffed about L.A. Being Cancled


I like a nice salad......
Nov 13, 2001
Los Angeles, CA
For those like me not to happy about the L.A. show being cancled this is what I heard. That Hypocrisy got stuck at a weigh station in Arizona and wasn't going to get to L.A. in time.
Hypocrisy is supposedly still on for The Show Case Theater in Corona, CA tonight. That should be way closer for the dude from Orange County who posted about the cancled L.A. show last night, though the sound is not as cool at the Showcase Theater, I will be happy to finally see Hypocrisy. I feel it will be a long time if I ever get another oppertunity.
Well, dude from OC if you see me at the show, say hello to me. I think I'm going to be wearing a Monstrosity "In Dark Purity" shrit.

Just sayin hi. The Corona show was cool, it was surely messed up they didn't make the L.A. date. Would've been cool to see them in Hollywierd! Hi Alina. ;) If you read this, come drive forever and a day to see us with Arch Enemy next month. Miss ya! :headbang:

HI HI! lol I may actually have those days off... If Frank from Angel Dust is here that week, I cannot go. But if he doesn't come here that week and I am off at that time, I will so drive the million hours to L.A. to go see you play such a HUGE club. It's only your what, 4th or 5th gig as Artisan? LOL

Yeah, took us long enough to start playing out, eh? We waited all this time so we could focus on recording and now we're playing shows as we record. This will be show #3 *shakes head* but many more are to follow. \m/ Hope to see ya! I'll be up there for Slayer / In Flames, too!