For those of you that only use drum samples


Gabriel R.
Nov 25, 2010
Orange County, CA
For those of you that only use drum samples, i want to know if you guys create your own room and overhead bus/channel?

So far this is my set up.
-First i load about 10 midi tracks.
-Second i load about 10 mono audio tracks.

1st midi track i will label KICK, 2nd Snare, 3rd Hat, 4th 1 tom, 5th 2nd tom, and so on.
Then i'll send each midi track OUT to the proper audio track with drumagog or aptrigga inserted.

Then i'll usually send the toms to a TOM BUS where i will eq and compress as needed to give a room type of sound i'll just play around w it from there.

I do the same for the cymbols and everything else, eventually i will send all the drum tracks to a master drum bus and use a 1176 comp i'll just play around w it from there.

Do any of you also create a room bus with verb? or just have room reverb on the master drum bus?
If it's 100% programmed like yours I always have a bus with reverb on it.and use the sends in protools to to send a percentage of my snare there. This is my snare verb. After that these days I've been sending a bit of my toms to that same verb. Othertimes I have made a separate drum verb bus and sent some of the toms and some of there cymbals , Having something separate for my snare.