For those of you using L1 and/or L2 on cymbals;


Sound Engineer/Producer
Dec 22, 2010
San Diego
REALLY NOOB QUESTION but; What is your ceiling and release time looking like? I use to just use a standard free limiter and it didn't really have a ceiling adjustment to it. [it sounded disgusting] but with the purchase of L1 it sounds 100 times better but extremely crunchy when ONLY adjusting the threshold say -6 or -7. Are any of you guys making the ceiling level equal to the threshold on cymbals? [example: -6 threshold and -6 ceiling, ect]
It's all about the gain reduction. I can tell you for example tresh at -7 and ceiling at -3 but that will do nothing for you unless I tell you the amount of gain reduction to get :)
All that the ceiling does is set the maximum output level of the limiter. I'd say you're better off adjusting the ceiling along with your threshold to avoid the "louder sounds better" effect you'd get if you dropped the threshold but kept the ceiling at 0.
Okay i understand a little more now after messing with it a little more. Do you guys mess with the release time according to the song or should I just leave it at whatever it's at?