Your favorite mastering with plugins/unit or combo


Still Learning
Sep 26, 2003
Bogota, Colombia
How about a thread with your favorite mastering plugins, mastering unit, or combination or both? Heres mine:

-Mc Dsp Annalog Channel: Depending on material, it can give you a soft-clip limiter kinda sound.

-Waves Renaissance Compressor: I like the way it handles the final mix, very intuitive.

-Mc Dsp MC2000: Four bands compressor. I use it if the lows are too prominent in the mix.

-Bomb Factory Fairchild: Capable of very fast limiting.

-Digidesign Maxim: I don´t have the Waves L1 or L2, so, this is what i use for level maximizing.

-Focusrite d2: The one eq i use all the time.I like the sound of this plugin.

-Massenburg Design Works EQ: Workd kinda the hardware unit, very clean.

-Sony Oxford EQ: The less-colored plugin ever created...smooth

-Aphex Aural Exciter: If i receive i mix that sounds too dark, i may use this if the EQ don´t do it.

I have never used units like the Finalazire, Focusrite Mix Master, or other...are they good? I have used hardware units in other studios (L2, TubeTech Comps, Manley EQs) but never a "do-it-all" box. I´d love to hear what you use for mastering and also how you use it.

Best Regards