L1 for the distortion it adds?

Sep 26, 2011
So I recently tried Sonnox Limiter and it kind of knocked me off my socks. So far, I'm liking it a bit more than the L1. I've often heard about L1 & L2 doing an unpleasant smearing or whatnot to the mid range been looking up reviews left and right, and most reviews online anyhwere hail Oxfords Limiter well above the L-series
(Some old Some Recent)

Anyway as I was looking the price on Sweetwater I came across this quick review-

"It's great for distortion guitars, I love how it adds a pleasing digital distortion to the guitar amp distortion when pushed hard that no other limiter does"

Any truth to this. Any of you use it as well because of that, or you just find it a good limiter?
I would experiment myself but I wont be home for the next 2 months :bah:

Thanks Again !
Trust your ears, not the next idiot's review. If it sounds good to you, who cares?
Trust your ears, not the next idiot's review. If it sounds good to you, who cares?

Thanks Burny, Yeah like I said I wont be able to try it out for a little while so it wouldn't hurt asking if some people here use it maybe knowing that it does/does not do that as well. you'd think I'm in the wrong business but I like 2nd opinion anyways cause my ears are pretty worn I've been deployed 3 times for 6 months to 2 years at a time; my ears have been bombarded by sound so I don't completely trust them, which is why I care.

Thanks again
I see. I don't think the L1 is anything special. It's just a limiter, it's pretty good at what it does but it imparts some coloration indeed (not very desirable but not horrible either imo). There's a free L1 clone somewhere, can't remember its name, maybe W1 or something. Try to search it on KvR. I don't know how faithful it is but it's creator claims it's spot on.
I see. I don't think the L1 is anything special. It's just a limiter, it's pretty good at what it does but it imparts some coloration indeed (not very desirable but not horrible either imo). There's a free L1 clone somewhere, can't remember its name, maybe W1 or something. Try to search it on KvR. I don't know how faithful it is but it's creator claims it's spot on.

Thanks again Burny, yeah that's something I couldn't really tell but I did like Sonnox more so I'll stick with it

Thanks again!
This: http://www.yohng.com/software/w1limit.html

I've never actually used the real L1 so I have no idea whether it's accurate :lol: But it does seem to impart a certain sound that's very reminiscent of a lot of metal albums, so I assume that's reflective of the fact that metal albums use the L1 with some frequency and it is indeed a faithful copy.

I like it, but it does kind of give the low and mid-end a sort of rigid, "whooshing" feel. I know that's a really bad explanation, but I'm not sure how to describe it. It's nice when used sparingly, but it can also overburden the mix and fatigue the ears, at least in my (admittedly limited) experience.
This: http://www.yohng.com/software/w1limit.html

I've never actually used the real L1 so I have no idea whether it's accurate :lol: But it does seem to impart a certain sound that's very reminiscent of a lot of metal albums, so I assume that's reflective of the fact that metal albums use the L1 with some frequency and it is indeed a faithful copy.

I like it, but it does kind of give the low and mid-end a sort of rigid, "whooshing" feel. I know that's a really bad explanation, but I'm not sure how to describe it. It's nice when used sparingly, but it can also overburden the mix and fatigue the ears, at least in my (admittedly limited) experience.

Thanks for the detailed response
Is W1 what you find yourself using?
Yeah, most of the time. I also use Jesusonic's Event Horizon 2 peak-eating limiter, which has a meter and lets you input specific values rather than just having a slider. I use the W1 whenever possible and Event Horizon for everything else.