For those of you who have Samsung drives


Jun 16, 2008
Uppsala, Sweden
Have you ever looked through the S.M.A.R.T report for your drives? Programs like HD Inspector etc. can read the S.M.A.R.T attributes (I think Vista/Windows7 might have this feature built-in). S.M.A.R.T gives you detailed information about your drive's health.

So, on to the issue. I know some of you guys use Samsung drives, and I've heard lots of good things about them. They're really fast and the price is very reasonable. The problem is, my brother owned a 500GB Samsung drive some year ago... he sent it back after he discovered the S.M.A.R.T report indicated it was in bad health and was about to die in a month or so. Despite that, I went on and got myself 2 Samsung F1 drives for my audio computer. Reviews on the net spoke well of them, and a computer geek friend also spoke highly of them so I thought what the heck right... and what do I discover? On BOTH of my Samsung drives, the S.M.A.R.T report says one of them are down to 73% health with a death time estimation in 6 months from now, and the other one is down to 91% health with a death time estimation in 5 years from now.

Considering my brother had the exact same issue with the S.M.A.R.T report... I'm beginning to wonder if the Samsung drives send out the S.M.A.R.T data incorrectly? Have you guys checked the S.M.A.R.T status of your Samsung drives? Feels like Samsung drives either report incorrectly, or they all suck... which cannot be true since they're not badly spoken of. And I don't think it's bad luck for my part since both my brother's Samsung, and both of my own had/has this issue. If it's just bad luck I'm having, it must be REALLY fucking bad luck since that's 3 Samsung drives in a row right there. Very strange indeed...
I don't know about Samsung drives, but I think the age of hard drives is always pretty much unpredictable. What I do: have absolutely everything backed up, ALWAYS. I have an internal and two externals, and I use one external to back up the others. I live like any of them could blow up any second, and basically, that's what they might do anyways.
Yeah definately.. you can't trust a HD blindly. I really need to get an external too for backing up, but I'm not sure I should spend money on one right now. Anyway, this thread is more about Samsung drives in paricular and the S.M.A.R.T report. It feels terribly wrong that 3 Samsung drives I have encountered have all reported terrible S.M.A.R.T data. It either means they suck at reporting the data, or they simply suck. And as I said, I have pretty much only heard good things about Samsung's drives so it'd be strange it they sucked. My brother also had an old Samsung drive though, which lasted for 9 years. He then sold it cheaply with a crappy computer, and it probably still works :)