For those who are interested: RAW DRUM TRACKS!


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
I remember someone asking for some raw tracks so he knows how they sound before they're processed etc...

I just tracked drums for this band and thought I'd upload some for you.

these are not the best sounding drums (ooold TomHeads), but still the drumset is pretty good (Yamaha Recording Custom, Sensitone-Snare)

as I said, that's how they are printed, NO processing whatsoever....

OHL and OHR are closemiced cymbals...I went for a rather separated sound so I closemiced them.

here you go:

Raw Drumtracks

have fun, enjoy, ask questions, give feedback...whatever you want
Wow, these OHs are soo clear (not muddy), the toms are awesome (no tons of low mids to scoop out) and I also like the snare a lot (it's crisp and it has body). How is the kick mic positioned? It's not my cup of tea, not saying it isn't good but sounds as if it's out of the kick drum or at least not very close to the beater (might be wrong, though).

Thanks a lot for sharing these :)
Wow, these OHs are soo clear (not muddy), the toms are awesome (no tons of low mids to scoop out) and I also like the snare a lot (it's crisp and it has body). How is the kick mic positioned? It's not my cup of tea, not saying it isn't good but sounds as if it's out of the kick drum or at least not very close to the beater (might be wrong, though).

Thanks a lot for sharing these :)

Snare mics are 57 both.--API-->RME Multiface
hat: sm7 ----->Focusrite Octopre LE
Oh L/R: km184 -----> API--->Apogee
OH Mid: 414XLII ---->Focusrite Octopre LE
Toms: D2 ---->Focusrite Octopre LE
Kick: D6 about 15cm from the head where the beater hits it (not intended to be a metal-Kick (still possible though)--->Safe Sound P1--->Multiface
Yeah, all the things you've listed make sense.

So are you happy with your gear when it comes to recording drums? Anything you really want to add/change?
thanks man!
great drums indeed
one question - can you post the pics? for mic placements etc.... it would be soooo great... especialy that OH mid mic...

buy hearing your drums i was really upset... can't get that tone.... they're so fucking great