For Your Mixing Practice: Drumstracks

the kick its too "veriable" and boomy sometimes...

Sounds like intentional dynamics to me, you know, the kinda thing musicians were supposed to use before the age of 100% wet sample replacement of single samples?
There are some nasty frequency's you guys are not taking out (top) and some low chuff (low mids) that needs to come out. Also parallel compress the group. Otherwise once you start putting gtr's on those drums they will not cut through at all

Most common thing I hear above is over eq'ing and over compressing. Don't go crazy with the tools as otherwise it sounds forced. I use 1db GR per channel (apart from drum mst bus and parrell comp of course).
There are some nasty frequency's you guys are not taking out (top) and some low chuff (low mids) that needs to come out. Also parallel compress the group. Otherwise once you start putting gtr's on those drums they will not cut through at all

Most common thing I hear above is over eq'ing and over compressing. Don't go crazy with the tools as otherwise it sounds forced. I use 1db GR per channel (apart from drum mst bus and parrell comp of course).

cool, give us yer sample and show us how its done, would be helpful in the learning process
It was on page two. Any questions just fire away. Note that there are no toms (just from OH mic) didn't have to time to do em
It was on page two. Any questions just fire away. Note that there are no toms (just from OH mic) didn't have to time to do em

On your post you said you couldn't be bothered doing the toms....

IMHO, the op said PUNK drums for MIXING practice,
not METAL drums for SAMPLE REPLACEMENT practice.

Lets hear your version with no samples to do a fair comparison.

No probs, did this one just for you :lol:

No sample replacement at all. You got to make the snare crack in an ambient way and keep the glue of the kit.

I will be the first to admit, if I received these drum tracks for mix I would 100% be adding samples (not replacing, especially that kick).

Also go check out C_F_H 13 raw drums in the thread about editing drums. Those are some reallly nice acoustic drums.

They don't need much augmentation at all (samples)
No probs, did this one just for you :lol:

No sample replacement at all. You got to make the snare crack in an ambient way and keep the glue of the kit.

I will be the first to admit, if I received these drum tracks for mix I would 100% be adding samples (not replacing, especially that kick).

Also go check out C_F_H 13 raw drums in the thread about editing drums. Those are some reallly nice acoustic drums.

They don't need much augmentation at all (samples)

OK, I will get back to you tomorrow when I can listen through my monitors.
I re loaded my version as the link has been dead for a bit, its on the first page please have a listen and tell me what I could do better.

Hey man,

These things are all personal preference, but for me your clip needs more glue (master bus compression) and more ambiance. Send you drum reverbs (I use two reverbs for drums) outputs to the drum bus input also, so they get nice and compressed (reverb tails).
Hey man,

These things are all personal preference, but for me your clip needs more glue (master bus compression) and more ambiance. Send you drum reverbs (I use two reverbs for drums) outputs to the drum bus input also, so they get nice and compressed (reverb tails).

cool - thanks for posting, care to share settings and process etc ?