This is the best thing that could happen to Judas Priest in terms of bringing them back to the mainstream (at least for a short while). I was a huge fan of Judas Priest (my first ever concert was their "Defenders of the Faith" tour when I was 13). they were my favorite band for years until they put out the dreaded "Turbo" album. Ughh! And "Ram it Down" wasn't much of a return. "Painkiller" got them back to real metal but I don't think they will ever top the music they created on "Screaming for Vengeance". That album was the perfect heavy metal album. The production was great, the songs were awesome, it had everything. I think the reunion tour will be cool (as long as they leave out the crap from "Turbo" and "Ram It Down") but that's about as far as it'll go. In the song writing area I think Prist is beyond their prime and Halford's voice isn't nearly as strong as it once was. He uses the falsetto way too much.
Anyway, I thought I'd be much more excited when this finally happened, but surprisingly I'm not. I might go see them when they tour, maybe not. What they should do is go back and recreate the tour they did for "Defenders". That would be awesome! Kind of like Kiss did when they went back to makeup and got Ace back. OK, maybe some Painkiller too. I wonder how they will address the Ripper albums?