For those who like Weakling

Comparing anything to weakling is very....

like I wanna come in my pants, and eye, and girlfriends eye, and YOUR fucking eye, within 3 seconds of hearing this band, if they are to come within even 2o yards close of comparing to fucking weakling mate. If not mate, your FUCKED twatter. Fuckin fucked! Like a fresh meat pedophile in a high security prison. Also, never post when drunk. take a pro tip from me.
Comparing anything to weakling is very....

like I wanna come in my pants, and eye, and girlfriends eye, and YOUR fucking eye, within 3 seconds of hearing this band, if they are to come within even 2o yards close of comparing to fucking weakling mate. If not mate, your FUCKED twatter. Fuckin fucked! Like a fresh meat pedophile in a high security prison. Also, never post when drunk. take a pro tip from me.
